Kellyanne Conway's Husband Is Going Rogue

George Conway has been criticizing Trump all month.
George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, used to keep his feelings about President Donald Trump to himself.
George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, used to keep his feelings about President Donald Trump to himself.
Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

George Conway, husband of presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway and onetime candidate to be U.S. solicitor general, has historically not been a very active Twitter user. He joined the site over six years ago and has since sent just a few more than 500 tweets, including retweets. About 200 of those 500 tweets, though, have come this month — and of those, nearly half were written with the express purpose of castigating his wife’s boss, President Donald Trump.

Something has gotten into Conway, who most famously worked for Paula Jones in her lawsuit against Bill Clinton. The corporate lawyer tweeted not a single thing in 2015 (or if he did, he’s since deleted all those messages). Same goes for 2016. In 2017, Conway tweeted 31 times, six of which could be considered critical of President Trump. Those six received quite a bit of press at the time, since his wife’s vaguely defined role consists largely of defending the president at all costs.

These tweets may make some ppl feel better, but they certainly won't help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters. Sad.

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 5, 2017

After that, Conway tweeted mostly about sports or general government legal matters, steering clear of any direct Trump criticisms.

In January of this year, Conway shot off 10 tweets, all similarly benign. In February, however, he tweeted and retweeted a total of 43 times, starting with a retweet in praise of conservative columnist Mona Charen, who had blasted Trump from the stage of the Conservative Political Action Conference.


And this month so far, Conway has sent forth about 200 tweets and retweets, roughly half of which criticize Trump to varying degrees. The tweet below, in which Conway praises a thread questioning the timing of Trump’s ouster of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, seems to mark the beginning of the great George Conway Twitter reckoning of 2018.

Great thread.

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 17, 2018

Since then, Mr. Kellyanne Conway has been tweeting and retweeting like a lover scorned. Here’s just a small sampling of his weekslong pro-Robert Mueller, anti-Trump rampage.


And so on.

The March 23 tweet below received the most attention of the bunch, as it refers to a job that Kellyanne had been rumored to be under consideration for.

So true. It’s absurd. Which is why people are banging down the doors to be his comms director.

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 23, 2018

The Hill even briefly published a short post on the tweet, which can still be found in Google’s cache here. At some point in the hours that followed its publication, however, The Hill removed the story. The original link now takes you to a page reading, “Access denied.”

Whatever additional attention Conway has received over his flurry of Twitter activity certainly hasn’t slowed him down. Is George Conway so fed up with Trump’s assaults on the legal profession — his profession — that he simply can’t hold his feelings inside any longer? Would it be too wild a leap for a Trump Kremlinologist to think this might be a prelude to Kellyanne Conway’s own White House departure? What are dinnertime conversations like at the Conway household, one wonders?

We’ve reached out to George Conway and the White House for comment, but have not heard back. In the meantime, George, know you’re not alone.


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