16 Funny Tweets That Sum Up The Hell Of Video Conferencing

Need a laugh? These online meeting mishaps during the coronavirus pandemic should help.

For many of people, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new constants in our lives: Wearing face masks, social distancing and video conference calls.

Whether you use Zoom (or a similar tool) for a work meeting, a virtual happy hour with friends or an academic class, chances are you’re going to encounter some pretty funny mishaps. It doesn’t matter if you’re a virtual pro or a complete newbie ― technology (or human error) can lead to disaster. And that can result in internet gold.

We rounded up a few tweets that capture the hellish and hilarious world of video conferencing right now. Take a look at the misfortune and other laughworthy accounts below:

“I’m here live, I’m not a cat,” says lawyer after Zoom filter mishap

“I can see that,” responds judge pic.twitter.com/HclKlAUwbM

— Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) February 9, 2021

in my first zoom class prof started sharing screen and one of her folders is just in all caps DIVORCE

— Magdalena Paz (@magdalenapaz22) March 16, 2020

Finally found the perfect background for my zoom meetings pic.twitter.com/G6VBnZVkYN

— Raya (@RobDa64) March 26, 2020

The 10 minutes right before a Zoom class (any call, really) are the WORST. Guess I gotta reread the instructions, recheck my schedule 20 times so I have the right start time, panic about logging on to soon and having an awkward laugh with the 1-3 other people there.

— muclu (@fatasswithafist) April 7, 2020

my boss turned herself into a potato on our Microsoft teams meeting and can’t figure out how to turn the setting off, so she was just stuck like this the entire meeting pic.twitter.com/uHLgJUOsXk

— Rach (@PettyClegg) March 30, 2020


— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) July 1, 2020

So apparently whoever was in charge of live-streaming my brother’s church service knowingly or unknowingly used a googly-eyes filter on the priest. pic.twitter.com/3dGC6502iN

— Kelsey Lewis Vincent (@KelseyMLoo) March 22, 2020

My research team met on Zoom today so we can keep up with work. I added a virtual background and decided to have fun with it. But, I fell off my chair. However, my team has such deep and abiding respect for me that they didn't find this funny at all. Not at all. pic.twitter.com/LbplC3R5gL

— Jeffrey Butts (@JeffreyButts) March 17, 2020

My husband's working from home and just shouted to me from the living room: "I'm going into a video meeting..." so I jokingly shouted back "I guess I should put a shirt on?" and then he finished his sentence "...and they can hear you."😳

— Rita Meade (@ScrewyDecimal) March 17, 2020

Hey put some pants on my guy pic.twitter.com/PpCIBRrjP5

— Adam Graham (@grahamorama) April 28, 2020

Undoubtedly the first of many bathroom fails. #zoomfail #Zoom pic.twitter.com/CcIsCeKgAs

— Zoom Fails (@ZoomFail) March 23, 2020

proposing on the beach:
- boring
- predictable
- ignores social distancing advice

proposing on a Zoom call:
- romantic
- can change your background to a sad clown if they say no
- Greg from Accounts is there for some reason

— ruby🦎 (@roobeekeane) March 25, 2020

Zoom lets you set custom backgrounds and I have a green screen and green shirt so my coworkers have to deal with my shit for the next 2 months pic.twitter.com/UpOha2qE8s

— Lesbian Disaster (@xespera) March 24, 2020

My kid just walked into my video conference, yelled "look at my penis," and hit the button on his fart machine. Working from home going really great!

— Jenna Weiss-Berman (@WBJenna) March 17, 2020

just started talking to my cat in the middle of a 68-person zoom meeting—and i wasn't muted!!! send the meteor!!!!

— daniel taroy (@danieltaroy) March 16, 2020

Working from Home, Week 2

Wandered into my spouse’s office and accidentally Zoom-bombed a meeting in my underwear to ask if we were having leftovers for lunch.

— Jason Pearl (@jasoninmia) March 28, 2020
