How To Make Green Beer For St Patrick's Day

Perfect for your St Paddy's party!

If you’re planning to throw an epic St Patrick’s Day party this week you’ll need two things: lots of beer and lots of green decorations.

Thankfully, if you’ve got a busy day at work on 17 March, there’s a quick and simple way you can cover both bases before your friends and family arrive in the evening.

Ladies, gentlemen and leprechauns, we bring you green beer.

In the video above, the glorious team at Good Housekeeping magazine demonstrate how to make the fun beverage in seconds.

All you need to do is pour your chosen beer into a clear glass, then add a few drops of green food colouring to the liquid.

Give the solution a good stir with a spoon and hey presto, you’ve got yourself a glowing, green drink.

Good Housekeeping

We’d recommend you choose a beer that’s fairly light in colour to ensure your beverage ends up a vibrant shade of green to match the Irish flag.

Ditch the Guiness for this one, a pale ale will do the job perfectly.

And don’t worry, if you chose regular green dye from the home baking aisle it won’t alter the taste of your drink at all.

If that’s not enough greenness for you, why not print off some additional decorations from our glorious slideshow below?

Happy St Paddy’s Day!

Before You Go
