What Is A Necklace Spacer And Do You Need One?

No. More. Tangles.

Some people are just good at jewelry. Their ears are adorned with a perfect yet effortless-seeming collection of earrings, their necks dressed in a harmonious collection of necklaces that always appear to be just the right length.

Then there’s us, a mess of clasps and tangled chains trying to make sense of the layered necklace trend without ruining all of our jewelry.

Necklace spacers claim to eliminate that problem. They feature multiple clasps and hooks that are spaced out to promise tangle-free necklace wearing. Admittedly, the prospect of spending less time spinning necklaces around and more time looking cool is a tempting one ― but do they actually work?

Upon further investigation, it seems many brands have become privy to our lack of untangle-bility than we imagined. Necklet, which calls itself the solution to tangled necklaces, comes in three colors (gold, rose gold and white gold) and both double- and triple-clasp options. It’s connected by magnets, so you can hook up your necklaces to it first, then easily close it in the back.

My necklaces, free at last.
HuffPost US
My necklaces, free at last.

It’s not foolproof: The necklaces I typically wear are similar in length and are mostly on thin chains, so there was still some tangling to be had. But having the necklaces in three different clasps did make a significant difference. I worked out, slept and showered in the necklaces and much to my surprise, they only slightly tangled, sometimes. The magnetic closure is also a game changer for tiny clasps that otherwise take forever to close with our hands behind our backs.

Necklace spacers can't help with face-mask-induced acne, but they will help keep your necklaces detangled.
Jamie Feldman
Necklace spacers can't help with face-mask-induced acne, but they will help keep your necklaces detangled.

So, while I still might not be as cool as my chic, jewelry-wearing peers, at least I have my hands free to buy more necklaces.

Check out some necklace spacer options below.

Necklet Triple Layering Clasp
Baublebar Build Your Own Layered Necklace Clasp