It had been an amazing couple of years; I had got engaged to my wonderful other half, Jake, and we were planning our wedding. Jake’s a superbike racer, and of course I am his number one fan! We had recently been in Scotland and he won two races, which we were so excited about. I had no idea what was around the corner.
I was lying in bed, when my dog Larry jumped on me. I went to grab my right breast as the little blighter had landed on it and I felt a lump, a very big lump. It didn’t feel right, so I showed it to Jake and my mum who agreed I needed to get it checked.
Before I knew it, I was at the hospital having an ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. I had a feeling something was wrong so wanted to act quickly.
On Monday 14th August, 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was told it was aggressive. I was only 33 and I’d been the healthiest and fittest I had ever been, but I guess these things can sometimes be out of your control. I started chemotherapy right away and had a small operation to check to see if the cancer had spread, thankfully it hadn’t.
I’m still the bubbly me when the drugs and tiredness have settled. It can be horrible and there are days I am low and my world feels like it’s falling apart. Then I rise above it, remember I have hope, and tell myself, I am going to fight this.

One of the hardest things I’ve had to face, was the impact the treatment might have on my fertility. I don’t have children but I want them badly and they are still part of our future plans; we refuse to lose hope. Jake has been an angel throughout all of this, he knows exactly how to lift my spirits and keeps me positive.
I’m going through treatment and the minute and it is going as well as it can. I am responding well and hoping that continues. I’m keeping active which helps me deal with everything. I’ve also been attending a mindfulness course to help raise my spirits, I really would recommend this to anyone who is going through a tough time.
To help me cope, I also write, I have a blog, where I am open and honest about what I’ve been going through and I hope that by sharing my experience, I can help others. To me, this is just a fraction of my life and I certainly won’t let cancer define me.

Nothing will ever steal my optimism, I will forever be optimistic. I am getting married in December 2018 - and I am determined to be there.
Sarah is supporting Cancer Research UK. Get involved on World Cancer Day, Sunday 4 February, and wear a Unity Band to help fund research right now. Visit cruk.org/worldcancerday