India’s Railway Minister Piyush Goyal is getting mercilessly trolled for sharing a video of a high speed train, which is actually just a video which has been sped up.
The video, which has also been shared by Ram Madhav, national general secretary of India’s largest political party, Bharatiya Janata, shows a train passing through a station, but the person who filmed the video was quick to share the original which is two times slower.
Republic TV also published an article based on Goyal’s tweet, seemingly without realising it was a fake.
Goyal’s tweet has attracted more than three thousands comments, many of them mocking the minister for the gaff.
The owner of the video Abhishek Jaiswal joined the chorus of people pointing out that the video had been doctored.
While some social media users were angry at what they saw as a deliberate attempt to mislead, most used the opportunity to troll Goyal with videos, memes and jokes.