Jade Goody Documentary Viewers Left Feeling Angered And Uncomfortable Over Big Brother Race Row Scenes

The Channel 4 series on Jade's life sought to unpack the events of 2007.

Viewers of Channel 4′s Jade Goody documentary were left feeling angered and uncomfortable as it revisited the Celebrity Big Brother race row on Wednesday night.

Jade’s appearance on the reality show made international headlines back in 2007 when she made a series of racist comments about fellow housemate and Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty.

Jade Goody was at the centre of a race row during her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother in 2007
Jade Goody was at the centre of a race row during her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother in 2007
Shutterstock/Channel 4

Throughout her time in the house, Jade – as well as fellow housemates Jack Tweed, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O’Meara – were accused of bullying Shilpa.

Things reached a peak when the group had an infamous row over an Oxo cube, the aftermath of which saw Danielle remarking that Shilpa should “fuck off home”, and Jade referring to her as “Shilpa Fuckawallah” and “Shilpa Poppadom”.

Jade clashed with Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty
Jade clashed with Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty
Shutterstock/Channel 4

TV watchdog Ofcom received tens of thousands of complaints, effigies of Jade and CBB producers were burned in protest in India and the show was even discussed in Parliament.

Over 12 years on, the documentary sought to unpack the scandal, which had ultimately proved to be Jade’s public demise, having experienced a meteoric rise to fame following her appearance on the civilian version of Big Brother five years previously.

Rewatching the incredibly uncomfortable scenes sparked a lot of conversation online among viewers.

It’s still incredibly uncomfortable to see how Jade, Jo and Danielle treated Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother - over a decade on. Vile words and actions. #JadeGoody

— Joshua (@JoshuaTindall) August 14, 2019

Watching the @Channel4 Jade Goody doc. The Shilpa bullying is so uncomfortable to watch again. I remember it so clearly when it was first broadcast and it somehow seems 100x worse in 2019. No need. Jade wasn't bad, but she was so ignorant. Have things changed? #JadeGoody

— Megan M (@meganalicemcf) August 14, 2019

How things can change in an instant

I remember watching Celebrity Big Brother with the Jade Goody And Shilpa Shetty thing. It was so uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable seeing it again. Such a cruel series that was.

— Victoria Wai 📷 (@Victoria__Wai) August 14, 2019

Watching the #JadeGoody story is so sad and how different things were in 2007 it was so uncomfortable to watch again and handled really badly by channel 4 at the time. It’s such a sad story if only she was here today 💜

— DAVID💜 (@DavidCoulthard) August 14, 2019

I always remember how horrible Jade Goody was towards Shilpa Shetty, and Danielle and Jo were just as bad, it’s still uncomfortable to watch.

— Laura Dixon 🏴 (@LauraSianDixon) August 14, 2019

As Big Brother producers were interviewed about the events, many questioned their role in it all, claiming they had sparked the situation with a task that saw the other housemates acting as Jade’s servants, which immediately created tension and division.

Very uncomfortable viewing watching the Shilpa row but I can’t help thinking channel 4 producers threw Jade under the bus all for ratings- they weren’t confused, they should of got her out of the house. she was sobbing afterwards the tabloids were rubbing their hands. #JadeGoody

— soozee (@iSoozee) August 14, 2019

The producers of Big Brother certainly should take responsibility for Jade’s downfall. They created the tension then sat back and watched. #shudder #JadeGoody

— Mrs Lisa Shaw (@poppytopss) August 14, 2019

the sad fact is that the producers caused the tension, the rest of the housemates were attacking #JadeGoody for her class, and they denied her the chance to say goodbye to her mother. they could have stopped all of this, and given jade the support she needed.

— jodie portugal (@JodiePortugal) August 14, 2019

Big Brother producers used the Servant/master task to shit stir. They played on Jade’s ‘low class’ and designed it so that she’d snap, with the added stress of looking after her mother. Britain was so classist, including Davina with her sarcastic remarks #JadeGoody

— John Steinbeck (@digitouttahere) August 14, 2019

Weren't they bastards for being bullys.
Then again CBB producers could see what was happening why didn't they stop it?

Nightmarish full extent of Jade Goody's CBB race row exposed in upsetting clips , more details : https://t.co/7FVpATyl18

— David Leng (@moonsplash2) August 14, 2019

Many were also left in disbelief at how Channel 4 had handled the situation, having allowed it to play out on screen, rather than to remove Jade, Jo and Danielle from the house.

The first time I ever complained to Ofcom was because of the #CBB race row. The fact channel 4 allowed it go on as long as they did was a disgrace. #JadeGoody

— Kate | ❤💜💙💚💛 (@katiephipps) August 14, 2019

Watching the #JadeGoody story is so sad and how different things were in 2007 it was so uncomfortable to watch again and handled really badly by channel 4 at the time. It’s such a sad story if only she was here today 💜

— DAVID💜 (@DavidCoulthard) August 14, 2019

Not to mention that Channel 4 tried to wrap it all up in "cultural differences", as opposed to what was blatant racism. #JadeGoody documentary.

— Shikha (@ShixSays) August 14, 2019

Surprised that there's little mention of Channel 4's duty of care here. Yes, they vetted contestants, but when people are burning effigies of you around the world, I think you're entitled to be informed and educated rather than continue in the hamster wheel. #JadeGoody

— Katie Moore (@Sweet_Sue09) August 14, 2019

As much as jade also did at the time, channel 4 made so many mistakes during that big brother series. Nowadays any behaviour like that would just get you booted from reality tv and not have it aired to save you and your mental health of being slated by the nation. #JadeGoody

— Steph Jay (@barbzzolanski) August 14, 2019

I’m sorry but channel 4 and offcom are as much to blame for airing that episode of big brother all those years ago with #JadeGoody it should NEVER have been allowed to be showed, and she should have been removed from the house immediately

— Michelle Cox (@Michelle_Rachel) August 14, 2019

As the documentary went on to cover the ramifications Jade faced after her eviction, there were questions as to how Danielle and Jo had escaped largely unscathed given they had engaged in behaviour that was just as bad as Jade’s.

I believe there are varying levels of racism. Comments made by Jade towards Shilpa WERE racist. What was even worse were the comments of Danielle Lloyd and Jo O’Meara but blame was thrown fully at Jades doorstep.
I wonder if they ever apologised... #JadeGoody

— Chizzy (@chizzyakudolu) August 14, 2019

I always thought Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara were the real bullies and racists towards Shilpa Shetty, the argument was horrible to watch but not fair how #JadeGoody got all the blame and those two got their careers back so quickly

— ❤Jâsón💞K (@Jason_____k) August 15, 2019

I remember watching that series of Celebrity Big Brother at the time and thinking Jade got all the grief when Jo from S Club and Danielle Lloyd were just as culpable in their behaviour. That was apparent again in the footage shown tonight. #JadeGoody

— Mark (@mkenn80) August 14, 2019

also, danielle said “fuck off home” and jo said “maybe they’re thin because they’re sick all the time” 😵😵😵😵 how the fuck did they manage to get out of that situation basically untouched? they left jade out to dry and took no accountability for anything #JadeGoody

— anthony (@anthonyfrost96) August 14, 2019

I can say that Danielle Lloyd saying "I think she should fuck off home" is not forgotten in this household. #JadeGoody

— Nick Walker (@nickw84) August 14, 2019

I still to this day don’t understand why #JadeGoody was the only one that took the rap for it all. Jo, Danielle and the Big Brother producers should also have been held more accountable for their involvement.

— Steven Kelly (@StevenKelly82) August 14, 2019


The racism affected me all those years ago, and watching it again now upsets me even more 😢

God knows how Jo & Danielle were seen as the lesser of two evils compared to Jade. They were absolutely VILE!!!

All form of bullying, racism or not - is DISGUSTING!

— AmieLavinia🌷 (@amie_lavinia) August 14, 2019

The fact the show also reignited a debate about whether Jade’s comments were rooted in racism left many angered that there were those still willing to defend her behaviour 12 years on.

Imagine, people that have never experienced racism a DAY in their lives are defending #JadeGoody racist comments and saying "it's not that big of a deal"

RIP to Jade, may she rest in peace but please do not excuse racism and brush it under the rug, this is the biggest problem

— #MrL (@untitled_one) August 14, 2019

This insidious type of racism which, is still SO peak in 2019 that some contributors in this show can’t even say the dreaded “r word” ...whew, hate to see it😖

— Clara Amfo (@claraamfo) August 14, 2019

#JadeGoody was a racist.

I will never forget it.

Whitewashing racism is sick. https://t.co/9idwK7Q000

— Amy Wyatt 🇷🇺 ❄️ 🌹🇰🇵 🇨🇺 🇵🇸 (@Lewisno1fan) August 15, 2019

I'm disgusted at the white people in the #JadeGoody hashtag who are dancing around the fact that jade IS racist. Those three girls deserved being dragged.

— IN MY OPINION... (@inmyopinionlol) August 15, 2019

Saying #JadeGoody wasn’t racist just uneducated and ignorant makes no more sense than Jo O’Mera claiming she’s not racist because her cousin married an Indian. Racism through ignorance is still racism. Losing her life so young was a tragedy but let’s not pretend she was a saint.

— LGBTShippers™ (Mrs Moonie) 🏳️🌈 🇲🇽 (@LgbtShippers) August 15, 2019

Ok. What we’re not going to do is act as if anything she said was ok because she grew up in a lower-class household. Those were racist and hateful words. Period. #JadeGoody

— Fay 🐥 (@FadzaiVeanah) August 14, 2019

Nearly two years on from her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, Jade later appeared on the Indian version of Big Brother to apologise for her behaviour.

However, during her time in the house, she discovered she had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to return to the UK immediately for treatment.

As the documentary on Jade’s life continues next week, it will cover her fight against the disease before her death in March 2009, at the age of 27.

Jade: The Reality Star Who Changed Britain concludes on Wednesday at 9pm on Channel 4.


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