Joe Wicks Pictures: The Body Coach’s Sexiest Ever Instagram Pics

And... work 2,3,4,5,6,7,8... strrrretch 2,3,4,5,6,7,8...

Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, is fast becoming a household name thanks to his appearances on the likes of ‘This Morning’ and ‘Loose Women’.

If you’re one of the few who have yet to fall for his obvious charms, then let us get you acquainted.

Joe is a fitness and nutrition guru, who has already transformed the bodies and lives of thousands of people thanks to his 90 Day SSS plan (that’s Shift, Shape and Sustain, by the way).

The fact that Joe is (a) easy on the eye and (b) happy to show off his sculpted body at the drop of a kettle bell hasn’t harmed his rapid rise to fame, as his Instagram updates prove.

In fact, never mind getting all hot and bothered completing one of his exercise plans, these pics will probably have the same effect (although you won’t lose much weight).


Tap the picture below to view the slideshow.


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