Viral Tweet Highlights What Women Do To Feel Safe Walking Alone At Night

Kaitlin Curtice wondered if she was paranoid for keeping keys between her fingers. She found out she's not alone.
Women are sharing stories on Twitter about the strategies they've adopted to feel safe walking alone.
Women are sharing stories on Twitter about the strategies they've adopted to feel safe walking alone.
d3sign via Getty Images

A Native American writer’s viral tweet illustrates just how much mental energy women devote every single day to thinking about how to ward off sexual assaults.

Kaitlin Curtice is a Potawatomi author, speaker, and Christian mystic from Atlanta, Georgia. Like many others across the U.S., she tuned in last Thursday to listen to professor Christine Blasey Ford’s powerful testimony accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they both were teenagers (a charge he vehemently denies).

The hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee compelled thousands of women to share their own experiences concerning sexual assault and living with the threat of it.

For Curtice, Blasey’s testimony rekindled memories of the many times in her life she has felt unsafe while doing ordinary tasks. She thought about how, while walking to her car in a dark parking lot, she puts her keys between her fingers and keeps her phone out ― just in case she encounters an attacker.

Curtice wondered if she was being overly “paranoid” by taking such steps. So she posted on Twitter on Thursday, searching for women who have felt the same fear while walking alone, and have responded by taking precautions.

RT if you’ve ever walked through a parking lot with your keys between your fingers or pretended to talk on the phone because you felt unsafe.

— Kaitlin Curtice #UNTAMED (@KaitlinCurtice) September 27, 2018

Curtice told HuffPost she thought she’d get about 20 to 30 retweets. Instead, dozens of women chimed in, sharing their own stories about the care they take or the plans they make in advance just to feel safer while walking alone. Curtice’s tweet quickly went viral, earning over 68,000 retweets in four days.

“I realized that I’m not paranoid,” Curtice told HuffPost. “I’m just a woman in America. This is our everyday reality, and many, many women made that clear.”

Welcome to being female.

— Tessa Rickart (@trickart262) September 28, 2018

Relatively few instances of sexual violence are committed by someone who is a complete stranger to the victim, according to RAINN, a national anti-sexual violence organization. Most sexual assault perpetrators know their victims in some way.

Still, the outpouring of responses to the tweet showed Curtice that something needs to change.

″If this many of us are signaling that we feel this unsafe every single day, we have a problem with the way America has institutionally signaled to women that we do not matter as much as men matter, and that men hold the power,” she said.

The responses on Twitter made it clear that the fear of sexual assault is an omnipresent reality that complicates even the most mundane, everyday situations.

It is a given. Every time. I also look to make sure there is no one following me and even take out my ponytail because ponytails (supposedly) makes it easier for a guy to grab it and use it to pull you his direction. All this, just for trying to get from a building to my car.

— Kirsten R. (@kelisabeth38) September 28, 2018

Or ever gotten off a subway car, or an elevator, or took a different route home, or went into a store you didn’t need to go to because someone was following you.

— Celeste Ng (@pronounced_ing) September 28, 2018

Recently, I had issues with my key fob not working properly. My first thought, upon realizing, was not the inconvenience of not being able to unlock my car remotely, but that if someone attacked me from behind, I wouldn't be able to get inside my car fast enough.

— Sarah Kessler (@thecoachkessler) September 27, 2018

Even though the onus shouldn’t be on women to prevent being sexually assaulted, some reacted to Curtice’s tweet by sharing what they do when the possibility of it makes them feel unsafe.

Some said that they don’t just pretend to be on their phones while walking alone― they actually call friends or family and keep them on the line until they feel safe again. Others talked about checking the back seat of their cars before getting in and locking the doors immediately.

Women spoke up about paying extremely close attention to their surroundings and using whatever they had on hand to potentially scare off would-be attackers ― purses, water bottles, keys. Others planned disguises in advance.

Once, when walking alone in an unfamiliar place, I unclipped my purse strap so the heavy metal clip could be easily swung as some kind of weapon.

— Stephanie Lobdell (@srdlobdell) September 28, 2018

My reusable water bottle is stainless steel. Whenever I'm walking home from my car in my neighborhood, you better believe I swing that damn thing like Harley Quinn swings a baseball bat to make sure everyone knows I have it.

— Anna Wegener (@abizzle009) September 27, 2018

I used to pack a hoodie and baggy jeans in my backpack to walk home from my late class in college. I tried to walk like a guy would walk hoping to avoid being followed or cat called. From experience if I looked traditionally feminine I would often be harassed.

— Heather Small (@bigsmallfamily) September 27, 2018

Always had to do this when riding my bike home at night. Hair tucked in, make my shoulders look as big as possible

— Ashly LaMarr (@SurlyMae) September 27, 2018

When I'm walking alone at night I move fast and try my best to look like I will tear someone apart if they even think about messin with me, and run through my self-defense moves in my head real quick

— Glia Ghoul (@glia_gal) September 28, 2018

In college they had women take Rape Prevention workshops & taught us things like this. Unfortunately, they did not offer Do Not Rape workshops for men.

— Sally_K🦄 (@Sally_K) September 28, 2018

Some women spoke about how these safety tactics are passed on from generation to generation, from mother to daughter.

My mom taught me to hold keys in my fingers and to always keep my head on a swivel as a little girl bc there are bad men out there.

— Joslin Williams (@jossiejk) September 27, 2018

My daughter and I just talked about this last night. I tried to explain the caution/fear to my husband recently, but he just cannot comprehend.

— Tracy S (@TracyStoller) September 27, 2018

Some shared stories of meeting women who tried to lend a hand to assuage fears, even though they were strangers.

In fact one lady bus driver did a slight detour to get me closer to home after I had told her about a guy who was insisting I went home after him whilst I waited for the bus. She got me to sit behind her. He wasn't on the bus but she wanted me to feel safe.

— Tracey Who am I? (@Traceyspacey1) September 28, 2018

I had a woman Uber driver once who was concerned about where she was dropping me off. She said “You have my number, call if there is a problem and I will turn around immediately”. I was fine, but I will always remember her concern and kindness.

— Angela Remaly (@angelaremaly) September 29, 2018

Some men responded to Curtice’s tweet by pledging to support and believe women who come forward with stories of sexual assault. Others pushed back — arguing that men also feel wary while walking alone at night.

While Curtice acknowledged that there are definitely some spaces where men may feel unsafe, she said her tweet was directed at elevating women’s voices.

She also said she hopes the tweet encourages men to listen to women’s experiences.

“I hope it encourages men to examine the ways in which they make women feel unsafe, or the ways in which they shame women, often without realizing it, for taking these kinds of precautions to simply stay safe in America,” she said.


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