At the song launch of her upcoming movie on Sunday evening in Mumbai, Kangana Ranaut got into a dramatic argument with a journalist from PTI, accusing him of running a ‘smear campaign’ against her.
Before the journalist, Justin Rao, could ask a question, Ranaut said, “You’ve such nasty thoughts. How do you come up with such nasty thoughts? You bashed my film, Manikarnika, you Have I made a mistake by making a film? You are calling me a jingoistic person for making a film on nationalism.”
The actress further went on to say that the said journalist was a ‘friend’ who she had lunch with and who met her in her vanity van for 3 hours.
“You even texted me later.”
Rao refuted Ranaut’s allegations.
He said, “You cannot intimidate a journalist because you are at a position of power here. It’s just not fair.”
Further, Rao denied meeting her for 3 hours or having lunch with her or even texting her ever.
“Please share screenshots,” Rao said as Ranaut looked on.
In the entire episode, another Rao, actor Rajkummar Rao, appeared the most awkward.
Kangana’s sister, Rangoli, has taken to Twitter to attack the journalist, saying that he turned against her because Ranaut was showing support for Modi.
Here’s the entire video of the episode that unfolded last night.