Katie Price Responds To Backlash After Allowing Junior And Princess To Have Instagram Accounts

'I find it an absolute insult when people give me stick.'

Katie Price has responded to criticism she’s faced over allowing her two eldest children to have their own Instagram accounts.

The 38-year-old, who was slammed for giving “weirdos” the opportunity to troll her children, said it was an “insult” that people commented such things.

“I find it an absolute insult when people give me stick, I’m a really good mum and I will protect them with my heart,” Price said on ITV’s ‘Loose Women’.

“They are now being booked themselves for TV shows, modelling jobs, this and that and social media is the future.”

Loose Women

“All their friends are all on Instagram,” Price continued.

“Some have open accounts, some are private. And I’ve been continually saying ‘no, no, no, no, no!’

“So I told them: ‘This is the deal; if you want to be on Instagram, I have your passwords and you go on it when I’m next to you.’

“So I sign them in and I sign them out. I monitor the messages and block people who are nasty.

“They’ve got to have a bit of normality. If their friends are doing it, I can’t say no to everything.”

Price announced nine-year-old Princess and 11-year-old Junior had Instagram by sharing screenshots of their accounts on her own Instagram.

“My baby boy has asked me for three years for Instagram so I’ve allowed it but I’m keeping my eye and have passwords,” she wrote.

“Now my beautiful Princess has driven me mad for Instagram but I said I’ll be vetting lol.”

Her two children uploaded videos of themselves reiterating that their mum would have full control over their accounts.

At the time, some parents came to her defence.

“People need to lay off seriously,” one person wrote. “She hasn’t put the girl on a dating website for God’s sake it’s Instagram and she has control over it.”

Instagram requires everyone to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account.

If your child is younger than 13 and created an account on Instagram, you can show them how to delete their account,” the guidelines on Instagram state.

‘Loose Women’ is on weekdays from 12.30pm.

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