Khloe Kardashian Shared Details Of Her Bout With Melanoma And Why She Got Tested

There are 46 new skin cancer cases every day in the UK.
The Kardashian thought she had a zit.
The Kardashian thought she had a zit.

In the latest episode of The Kardashians, Khloe revealed that a “zit” she couldn’t get rid of on her face was actually melanoma - a form of skin cancer that has increased in incidences by 32% over the past decade.

In the episode, Khloe’s mum Kris Jenner reveals that Khloe has a history with melanoma adding, “this is very concerning to me. Khloe had surgery when she was 19 to remove melanoma from her back meaning she’s more susceptible to the cancer.”

The reality TV star urged: “I am someone who wears sunscreen every single day religiously so no one is exempt from these things. Please take this seriously and do regular self-exams as well as your annual checkups.”

Khloe first shared the news on her Instagram story saying that the margins seemed clear and she was now healing, adding, “I hope you enjoy how fabulous I’m making these face bandages look.”

Early Signs Of Melanoma

Like all cancers, the earlier melanoma is detected, the higher chance of survival from the cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, doctors follow a checklist called ABCDE that helps them to monitor the potential signs of the cancer. These are:

A - asymmetrical

This refers to the shape of the mole.

Melanomas are likely to have an uneven shape. The two halves of the area may be different shapes (asymmetrical).

Normal moles usually have a more even shape and the two halves are similar (symmetrical)

B - border

This refers to the edges of the mole.

Melanomas are more likely to have irregular edges (border) that might be blurred or jagged.

Normal moles usually have a smooth, regular border.

C - colour

This refers to the colour of the mole.

Melanomas are often an uneven colour and contain more than one shade. The melanoma might have different shades of black, brown and pink.

Normal moles usually have an even colour.

D - diameter

This refers to how wide the mole is.

Most melanomas are more than 6mm wide.

Normal moles are usually about the size of the end of a pencil or smaller.

E - evolving

Evolving means changing.

Melanomas might change in size, shape or colour. Or you might notice other changes such as a mole bleeding, itching or becoming crusty.

Normal moles usually stay the same size, shape, and colour.

If you have noticed any of these changes or have any skin abnormalities that are concerning you, speak to your GP as soon as possible. It is better to be safe than sorry!
