Kieron Richardson has had a blockbuster 12 months on ‘Hollyoaks’, so it’s no surprise to see him on the Best Actor nominees list for this year’s British Soap Awards.
His character Ste Hay has been featured in a multitude of high profile storylines, including his new relationship with Harry, and his drug relapses.

As Kieron prepares for this year’s awards, he spoke to The Huffington Post UK, to discuss who his biggest rivals are and the huge, top secret storyline coming up later this year...
What’s going on on-set at the moment?
I’m doing a storyline that we’re not allowed to talk about yet, which is great but, yeah, it’s like, full on! Not your average day at work, anyway.
Ste has had a packed 12 months on 'Hollyoaks'. Has there been any one strand of his storylines you’re particularly proud of?
I would say definitely the partnership with Ste and Harry. That’s been my favourite bit of the year. You can’t get away from the fact Ste has had several relationships and there’s a danger sometimes that the audience might not like the pairing. So I think the partnership has been really successful.
It’s got its own little fan base going on now, I’m really proud of that. Especially when you’ve had big relationships in the past and people still want you to be with those people from the past. It’s nice that the new couple have been accepted. You obviously have to try and get new chemistry going with each actor, and I think me and Harry have worked quite hard on that.
When the fans get behind a relationship, do the writers take it into account?
I hope so. I know we have quite a large online fanbase, with Twitter. I presume our digital department speak to producers and writers and stuff, about what’s been successful and what hasn’t. It’s been quite popular so far, so I’m chuffed about that.

You’re up against some soap heavyweights for the Best Actor award…
They’re soap legends! I’m a mad soap fan anyway and I do watch most of the shows, so it’s ridiculous to see my name up there with these people every year. Last year I was up against Ian Beale! This year we’ve got Danny Dyer, who is a massive, powerful name, and everyone knows him. He’s incredible.
I’m a really great fan of Jack P Shepherd, and the way he plays David Platt is incredible as well, so he’s big competition. You can’t get away from the fact that Danny Miller’s [‘Emmerdale’] storyline is sensational at the moment, he’s got everyone talking.
I’m quite a small fish in a big pond!
Are those three your biggest competitors?
Yeah. If I was a betting man, I’d probably put my money on Danny Miller this year.
Do you watch all the soaps?
Yes, I love it. We do 12 hours of this a day, so it’s nice to see other shows and watch what they’re doing. We’re not enemies and from an acting side, you might be able to get some tips from others. It’s research in a way.
Is there anything you’ve seen and thought, ‘I could bring that to Ste and ‘Hollyoaks’’?
Sometimes I quite like the way Danny Miller cries, so maybe I’ll give that a go! I definitely don’t think I could walk around Chester doing Danny Dyer’s accent though.
‘Hollyoaks’ often has storylines that are more outrageous than ones in ‘Corrie’ and ‘EastEnders’ - how do you think they get away with that?
I think the way we watch television nowadays, online and on Netflix, means people are glued to American shows and their turnaround of stories is a lot quicker than, say, the average British soap.
I feel like ‘Hollyoaks’ has evolved in that way, and is trying to keep up with the big American shows, with sensational plotlines and hooks, not just at the of one week, but at the end of every episode. In terms of the story team here, trying to be that creative and fast, they should get their own award.

‘Hollyoaks’ is up for Best Soap as well, what’s your favourite on-screen moment from the last year that doesn’t involve Ste?
I would say the Lindsay and gloved hand killer storyline. We don’t really talk to each other in the green room or say, ‘Oh, what did you do today?’, so I was watching it as a viewer last week. When it was all revealed and Mercedes and Cindy found out that it was Lindsay that was the killer, I was literally on the edge of my seat. I thought, ‘I can’t believe it! She’s going to get away!’.
You only read your bits in the script and learn your own lines, so it’s nice to watch it and be a secret fan.
It’s fair to say you’ve had a huge variety of storylines, what would you love to see Ste do next?
It’s going to be easy for me, because I’ve got a big storyline happening - though I’m not allowed to talk about it. I’ve had a bit of input into it because it’s something that we’ve touched upon in the past, but instead of dipping our toe in it, this time we’re going to throw the character into it.
Ste’s like a cat, he’s got nine lives and his life is always in jeopardy. I feel like the latest stuff is no different. He’s putting his own life at risk.
The British Soap Awards 2016 take place on Saturday 28 May. See the full list of nominees and cast your vote here.