Kim Kardashian Deletes Message About Manchester Attack After Backlash

Kim Kardashian Deletes Message About Manchester Attack After Backlash

After a terrorist attack at an Ariana Grande concert that killed 22 people and injured at least 59 others, Kim Kardashian took to social media to express her utter dismay at the horrific event.

Like many other celebrities, the 36-year-old shared a tweet that acknowledged the attack and sent love to Grande. Grande herself tweeted that she was "broken" in the wake of the tragedy.

The reality star wrote, "Concerts are supposed to be a place where u [sic] can let loose & have fun. So scary not to feel safe in this world. @arianagrande I love you." Kardashian posted a photo of Grande, sister Kendall Jenner and herself at husband Kanye West's concert at Madison Square Garden from September.

Her reason for posting the photo seems pretty clear: It was a photo of a concert experience she shared with Grande ā€• one that the 23-year-old singer had called "magical" when she posted a video from the evening on Instagram months before.

Prior to posting the photo, Kardashian had also posted tweets expressing sympathy for the victims and families in Manchester:

Twitter users, however, saw the photo and accused Kardashian of trying to make the tragedy about her.

As BuzzFeed pointed out, celebrities including Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Hudson, and Demi Lovato all shared messages of support that included photos of themselves with Grande. However, these images remain up on their social media accounts. Though Kardashian is not a musician herself, her husband is, and understanding the power of concerts as a safe space to bring people together isn't limited to singers.

Kardashian is no stranger to backlash, but it appears this time around, the negativity and misplaced anger drove her to the delete the photo, which was posted on both her Twitter and Instagram accounts.


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