Royal Fatigue Is Already Setting In And King Charles's Coronation Hasn't Even Begun

"I’m tired of hearing from and paying for these people."
King Charles III is set to be crowned on Saturday, May 6
via Associated Press
King Charles III is set to be crowned on Saturday, May 6

King Charles’s coronation hasn’t even happened yet and people are already getting tired of it all.

While it may have been seven decades since the UK last saw a coronation, it’s safe to say that there’s been quite a few large royal events over the last few years which have dominated the news cycle.

In just the last two years, there’s been the death and funeral of Prince Philip, the Queen’s platinum jubilee, and the Queen’s death and funeral.

That’s not to mention the ongoing headlines led by Prince Harry’s feud with his family, the publication of his tell-all book ‘Spare’ and its promotional interviews, and his war against the tabloids.

With a lot areas now covered in some form of royal decoration to mark the occasion, the public being invited to swear allegiance to the King, and rehearsals for various processions blocking London roads at night, it’s hard to escape the coronation (even though Charles has technically been King since September).

And, as a YouGov poll from April shows, only 9% of Brits care “a great deal” about the coronation; 24% care “a fair amount”; 35% care “not very much”, and 29% “not at all” (just 3% said they didn’t know how they felt).

While the extra Bank Holiday we get on Monday is obviously nothing to be sniffed at, it’s not surprising that plenty of people on Twitter have just had enough.

In the space of 2 years we’ve had Prince Philip’s funeral, Queen’s jubilee, Queen’s funeral, and now the coronation… pls I’m tired of hearing from and paying for these people

— Jason Okundaye (@jasebyjason) May 1, 2023

They’re just making sure The Crown has enough storylines for another two series

— Archie 👨🏼🎤 (@ArchieChisnall) May 1, 2023

Can someone please tell the royals to take a break? My bank account and I need some rest. 😴👑🚫 #RoyalOverload

— Nouveau Media UK (@MediaNouveau) May 1, 2023

Plenty of people couldn’t believe there was so much excitement around The Stone of Destiny (an ancient rock linked to the crowning of British monarchy, which fits underneath the Coronation Chair).

We are not serious people.

— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) May 2, 2023

This is just the beginning of incredible amounts of nonsense

— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) May 1, 2023

Between the stone of destiny, the sword of offering and the sword of mercy, for an outsider like me the line between a venerable old tradition and something from Game of Thrones is at times blurry.

— Holger Hestermeyer (@hhesterm) May 2, 2023

This is why one day I'm going to win.

— Count Binface (@CountBinface) May 2, 2023

Then, there’s the question about why all previous rules seem to go out the window when it comes to the coronation rehearsal.

I note it’s absolutely fine when roads are blocked for Coronation rehearsals; just not for trying to keep the human race alive. 👌

— Brendan May (@bmay) May 3, 2023

And there were comments on how ridiculous the whole occasion seems.

I understand the allure of ritual, & the importance of a collective connection to the past.

But at the Coronation people are being ‘invited’ to talk to their TV & ask that Mr Charles Windsor lives forever. Seriously.

We are becoming Disneyland without the sunshine.

— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) May 3, 2023

Of course, satirical magazine Private Eye couldn’t resist putting its own spin on events.

Historic souvenir issue! The new Private Eye is out now.

— Private Eye Magazine (@PrivateEyeNews) May 3, 2023

Others were just happy not to have anything to do with the royal occasion whatsoever.

Me having absolutely nothing to do with the Coronation after resigning.

— Ed Keeble (@EddieHenryJames) May 2, 2023

Meanwhile, the new shorthand name for the coronation (“Cory Nash”, anybody?) is enough to put anybody off.

Just seen someone refer to The King’s Coronation as “Cory Nash” and it’s reminding me of the platty jubes all over again.

— OnlyZans (@OnlyZans) May 2, 2023