Large Marsden Moor Fire 'Likely' Started By A Barbecue

The National Trust says it is paying £2,000 an hour for a helicopter to help put out the blaze.
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The National Trust has said a large moor fire ongoing on Marsden Moor is likely to have been started by a barbecue.

The blaze, near Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, is covering 300 hectares of moorland and the trust said it is now paying £2,000 per hour for a helicopter to help more than 50 firefighters at the scene.

A spokeswoman said Marsden Moor is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation due to the ground nesting bird population and blanket bog habitat.

She said: “At present it is estimated that an investment of more than £200,000 in restoring this special habitat has been lost.”

Fire now spread over into Denshaw, Saddleworth. scenes on A640

— joe bloggs (@joeblog87100720) April 22, 2019

The fire, which started on Sunday, follows another on Marsden Moor in February, which left more than 100 hectares damaged.

The spokeswoman said: “We’re devastated to see the destruction caused. Please help us protect the moors and wildlife by calling the fire brigade immediately if you spot any signs of fire.

“We need our visitors’ help to prevent the risk of fire across the countryside that we care for, particularly when we experience prolonged periods of dry weather or are in drought conditions.”

It follows another fire on Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire on Saturday. The Met office recorded the hottest day of the year so far over the weekend, with highs of 25.5C.

Three men aged 19, 23 and 24 have been arrested over the Ilkley fire and remain in custody.


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