This Man's Tattoo Tribute To His Grandmother Has Gone Viral

Prepare to cry when you find out why.

A man's tattoo in honour of his grandmother has racked up millions of likes online because of the touching story behind it.

Léo Javiel, a professional skateboarder from Brazil, got an inking in his grandmother's handwriting on his side.

Javiel credits his grandmother, Neiva, with raising him after his mother gave birth at 14-years-old.

In July 2012, Neiva left a note for Javiel and went to the bank, but while she was out she fell sick and passed away in hospital a few days later. Javiel was devastated.

A month ago, while sorting through papers, Javiel found the note, which reads: "Will be back around noon. Kisses, Granny."

He then decided to turn it into a tattoo - which the studio owner, Tiago Lopes, refused to let Javiel pay for.

A photo posted by Léo Javiel 💎 (@leojaviel) on

Javiel told BuzzFeed that the inking session was beautiful - the two men talked about Neiva and had a few drinks in memory of her.

After they both posted photos of the tattoo on Instagram, it went viral, with Javiel's post racking up more than 9,000 likes. One user even commented that the body art had changed their opinion on tattoos.

"I have always been against the idea of tattooing your body, cause that’s the way I was raised and my religion also prohibits it," the comment read.

"Never understood why someone would do it, until I saw your tattoo about that note from a grandmother. That made total sense. Thanks for healing my mind."

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