Luka Apps, 7-Year-Old Boy, Writes Letter To Lego, Gets His Toy Replaced (PHOTOS)

LOOK: Lego's Response To Little Boy Will Make Your Day

If we've learned anything from this letter about a lost toy written by a 7-year-old boy, it's that Lego's customer service department should RUN THE WORLD. No, seriously.

Story continues after photo:

lost lego reply

Luka Apps of Highworth, Wiltshire, was devastated when he lost a recent Christmas present -- a Jay ZX Lego character -- while on a shopping trip. According to the Sun, Luka's father, Simon Apps, had warned him about taking the toy shopping, and sure enough, the figurine managed to fall out of the boy's pocket at a store.

Luka was so upset about the loss of his new toy that he decided to write a letter to the company explaining his misfortune.

lost lego reply

The 7-year-old was shocked when a reply letter came in the mail offering not only to replace the toy but extra goodies for being honest, reported ITV.

When the new toy finally arrived in the mail, Simon Apps tweeted:

@Blueprintpromo1 Luka was literally jumping up and down when he read the reply. Had to be shared.

— Simon Apps (@simonapps) January 8, 2013

Hello Richard.

Thank you for talking to Sensei Wu for me.

I promise I will look after them.


Since then, Luka's story has made its way around the world through social media.

Thank you, Lego, for restoring our faith in people (and customer service reps).


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