Men Spend More Time Grooming In The Morning Than Women, Says Study

Everybody wants to look their best.

Are you a guy who spends more time getting ready in the morning than the women in your life? You're not alone.

According to Grooming Lounge, the site that conducted the survey with, 41 percent of men surveyed spend 31 to 45 minutes getting ready in the bathroom every morning, whereas only 30 percent of women said they did.

Seventy-one percent of the 400 guys surveyed said they spend more than 30 minutes primping, versus 63 percent of the 750 women, yet women are among the group that still takes the longest time -- 11 percent said they spend more than an hour, whereas only 2 percent of men said they do.

(It should be noted that the study didn't analyze what, exactly, the men were doing in the bathroom, just that they were asked how much time they spent on a typical morning getting ready.)

Here's what else they found:

How We Treat Ourselves

When it comes to getting their hair done, 70 percent of men actually spend 1 to 3 hours a month getting groomed at a stylist or barber compared to 39 percent of women.

Women, however, are more likely to invest more money in their looks, the study found.

Twenty one percent of women spend more than three hours a month doing what the study called "personal care" -- going to the dentist or getting a manicure -- compared to only 7 percent of men.

Apparently guys need the guidance of the girls when it comes to self-preservation.

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