Fellow sun-rebukers, I have news: this weekend, the UK is set to experience an unusually late mini-heatwave.
A spokesperson for the Met Office said, “As we head towards the end of the week warm or very warm air is likely to be drawn up from the south across the UK pushing temperatures well above average for the time of year, particularly for southern areas of the country, where some places may reach the mid-20s.”
“How long this warmer spell will remain for southern areas is uncertain, but temperatures will likely decrease into the start of next week,” they added.
Sure, it’s a good time to get your beach on. But if you’ve got a garden, you might be better served spending this weekend painting your fence (yes, really).
A new study from Wickes has revealed that dry, sunny conditions are the best time to carry out painting your fence. And with wood-splittingly damp and cold winter on its way, now might well be your last chance to get the job done.
After all, “British weather is known to give wooden fences a battering, especially in winter,” Wickes experts shared. So “this weekend is the perfect time to take advantage of the warm, dry weather and prepare your fence to withstand the elements this winter.”
We thought we’d share expert advice on how to get the job done:
Don’t ignore pre-treated fences
“It’s a common misconception that dip-treated and pressure-treated fence panels don’t require any maintenance. Although these are treated to avoid rot and fungal decay, you still need to treat them, just not as regularly,” the experts at Wickes say.
Posts that have direct contact with the ground, those especially exposed to the elements, and softwood fences are all more prone to damage ― so you might want to get going on those first if you’re worried about how they’ll fare over the winter.
How should I do it?
First of all, “Check the weather forecast and try to pick a dry, sunny day as this will help the paint dry quickly. You also want to start with a dry fence, so it’s best not to paint if it’s rained the day before. Also, avoid painting on a windy day as debris can stick to the fresh paint,” the experts say.
Once you get going, they advise you to:
Use a stiff brush to remove any dirt or debris, or whip out the pressure washer if it’s particularly dirty
Remove any old nails, screws, or, hanging baskets from the fence
Start by painting your fence’s edges and hard-to-reach areas with a brush
Use a roller to cover the larger areas with a thick coat ― a power sprayer is a lot faster if you’ve got a large fence
Allow the first coat to dry
Apply a second coat of paint
Allow that to dry ― then, you’re done!
Well, that’s my weekend plans sorted.