Sergey Brin Yearbook Photo Shows Google Co-Founder Before He Was A Billionaire

Can You Guess This Future Tech Titan?

Before they were billionaires, most billionaires were just people who looked dorky in yearbook photos. Google co-founder Sergey Brin is no exception.

The photo below (courtesy of Snakkle) was taken in 1990, during what would be Brin's last year at Eleanor Roosevelt High School. As reported in Moment Magazine, Brin, who was born in Russia, went straight to the University of Maryland after his junior year, where he studied computer science and mathematics. He later enrolled at Stanford where he is currently on leave from his PhD studies, writes Business Week.

It was during his doctoral studies at Stanford that Brin met Larry Page. As part of a research project, the two created a search engine that listed results in order of popularity. They named it Google, which is the common spelling of googol, a math term for the number one followed by 100 zeros. The huge number reflected their mission to organize everything on the web, reports

Brin and Page would go on to officially launch Google Inc. in 1998. Today, Google is the number-one search engine in the United States, where it commands over 65 percent of the search market share, according to a recent report by comScore. And the geeky kid in that picture? He's worth $16.7 billion.

For more great photos of tech titans before they were billionaires, click over to Snakkle.



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