Ghostly 'Snow Kangaroos' Light Up Twitter After Unusual Storm In Australia

Some parts of New South Wales got hit by more snow than they've seen in years.

An unusual snowfall in New South Wales, Australia, over the weekend led to surreal images of kangaroos hopping through a white landscape.

The Weather Channel said some areas received up to 5 inches, along with winds of up to 70 mph.

“Not something you see every day in Australia,” tweeted one person, Stephen Grenfell, who captured some of the viral footage. “Kangaroos in the snow.”

Grenfell said on Twitter that the area in his clip is about three hours west of Sydney. And while it does snow a couple of times a year there, the weekend’s snowfall was the most he had ever seen.

Others also shared photos and footage of kangaroos bouncing through the snow on Twitter:

Kangaroos and snow, my sister’s front yard, Australia

— Amanda Brotchie (@amandabrotchie) August 11, 2019

Lots of kangaroos out in the snow today. Most would hoop off as soon as they see you but these two stayed long enough to get some photos. #Wildoz #Canon #Snow #Kangaroos

— Stephen Grenfell (@stephengrenfel1) August 10, 2019

How to prove it snows in Australia

— Christopher Price (@ChristoPrice) August 10, 2019

Photos from my parent’s place in Kyneton, 1.5hrs from where I live 😱 bloody hell! This Winter cold snap is bananas! Yes, those are kangaroos in snow 😂

— ✨Laur✨ (@laurclinn) August 11, 2019

— Dr Melanie Bagg (@MelanieBagg) August 11, 2019

Lonely kangaroo in the snow at a park in Lithgow.

— Blake (@Blak46594) August 11, 2019

Kangaroos in the snow!

A fantastic photo in Buninyong by our photographer Lachlan Bence.

— The Courier (@ballaratcourier) August 11, 2019

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