Sometimes I Just Want To Copy Someone Else's Status, Word For Word, And See If They Notice: How It All Started

Sometimes I Just Want To Copy Someone Else's Status, Word For Word, And See If They Notice: How It All Started

Curious how this Twitter and Facebook meme started today? "Sometimes I Just Want To Copy Someone Else's Status, Word For Word, And See If They Notice."

With the help of newly-launched Google Realtime, we believe we've tracked down the originator of today's meme that has created a massive echo chamber on social networks.

It appears to have started with Twitter user Tim Waters (@tim_waters), a "freelance geo fella" per his Twitter bio of Leeds, U.K. , who tweeted the sentence at 10:42 a.m. EST.

Others copied him and it continued to circulate in the United Kingdom before jumping the pond within 10 minutes when @Billfgreer of Virginia and @elspethjane of New York City tweeted it to their followers.

It later caught the attention of TechCrunch and even Dolly Parton who tweeted it to her 722,000 followers. It then apparently journeyed to Facebook.

TechCrunch notes two people tweeted similar wording (but not exact) as early as Aug. 18.
