Stephen Colbert Tells Rep. Adam Schiff What Russian Oligarch Revealed About Trump 'Pee Tape'

The "Late Show" host claims to have inside information straight from Moscow.

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert told Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) that he learned some inside information about the supposed Donald Trumppee pee tape” when he visited Moscow in 2017.

“I’m not joking,” Colbert said, adding that a Russian oligarch told him how Trump ended up watching the supposed “golden showers show” described in a salacious and unverified dossier compiled by British ex-spy Christopher Steele.

The dossier claimed Trump hired prostitutes to let him watch as they peed on a bed at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton that had been previously used by then-President Barack Obama. It also suggested the scene may have been secretly recorded by Russian intelligence.

But Colbert’s source told him it went down a little differently.

“[Trump] was at a party that was being held in that room, and he sat there and watched it happen,” Colbert said. “He, like, suggested it, but he didn’t hire them. The prostitutes were just there at this party he went to.”

Colbert also tried to get Schiff on the record about the supposed tape, which has never been confirmed:

The alleged pee tape has made headlines all over again in recent days.

Over the weekend, Steele said he believes the tape was “probably” real while Trump last week randomly brought it up at a private speech at the National Republican Senatorial Committee retreat, according to The Washington Post.

“I’m not into golden showers,” Trump reportedly said. “You know the great thing, our great first lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”

Colbert has made the tape a recurring bit on his show and during his trip to Moscow even rented out the infamous suite.

“When you’re in this room, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s soaked in history,” Colbert said at the time. “It just washes over you. I mean, it’s not even like it’s in the past. You’re in history. You’re in it.”

On Monday, Colbert was conflicted about discussing the tape, mostly because he had made what was supposed to be his last-ever pee-pee tape joke back in January:

Colbert also turned the latest tape news into a series of images for parody spy thrillers:


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