Straight Women Get Candid About Having Lesbian Fantasies

“If we didn’t have all of this external bulls**t... [people] wouldn't be afraid to explore."

The latest video from popular YouTube vlogger Arielle Scarcella brings together a group of straight women to discuss their relationship with lesbian fantasy and the spectrum of human sexuality.

The video builds on a previous project from Scarcella where the YouTuber made the same group of women watch and explain why they enjoy watching lesbian porn. In this video, the featured women continue to engage in dialogue about the fluid nature of human sexuality and why they think so many straight women have lesbian fantasies.

The video also discusses expectations of masculinity among men when it comes to sexual desire.

“Are straight women still straight if they have lesbian fantasies?” Scarcella asked in a statement to The Huffington Post. “Well, lesbians tend to watch guy on guy porn, does that make us gay men? I think sexuality / being turned on, has something to do with sexual orientation, but not everything.”

One video participant echoed Scarcella’s thoughts.

“It’s the same way that women get brainwashed about bodies,” she says. “If we didn’t have all of this external bullshit making us think that we have to be a certain way... [people] would not be afraid to explore things like that.”

Check it out above and head here to see more from Scarcella.

Before You Go

Question: What exactly do you two do?

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