Attention, singles fed up with the travails of Tinder: there's a new dating app apparently aimed at Ivy League students and graduates, because this world just doesn't have enough dating apps -- or elitism -- already.
Yes, you heard right: a forthcoming matchmaking app called The League, founded by Stanford MBA student Amanda Bradford, promises to keep its dating pool "well-balanced and high-quality" by weeding out supposedly unsuitable bachelors and bachelorettes via an unexplained screening metric.
According to Bloomberg Businessweek, a post on a student Facebook page for the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School on Friday shared some insight -- or at least a healthy dose of projection -- about the application process:
“While you don’t know exactly what got you in, you do know that the best things in life are the most selective," reads the post, reportedly written by someone unaffiliated with The League.
How meta.
Although The League is not the first dating app to court elite students and those who want to date them, the app's website pitch to woo applicants is a real doozy:
"You're smart, good-looking and successful. You don't need a dating app to get a date -– you're too popular as it is. But you should join The League. "
Because, among other reasons...
"You'll never have to wonder if that Harvard hottie is too good to be true."
Hallelujah! Praise the online dating gods for answering our prayers. Because that was totally keeping us up at night.
The League is due to roll out first in San Francisco; other cities will follow suit depending on demand, the company says. Apparently, over 300 people have already signed up for the waiting list, eager to join the app's “private alpha" launch.
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