We’re reaching the halfway point of ‘The Missing’, and already it’s clear we’ve been landed with some massive red herrings along the way to discovering exactly what did happen to Alice Webster, Sophie Giroux and Henry Reed.
This week’s Episode 4 deals with the aftermath of the shed fire, a tragedy with consequences for more than one family.

These are just some of the questions that need to be answered forthwith...
Who attacked the beleaguered lady butcher Nadia Hertz? At least that’s the missing teeth explained. Was it Alice’s brother and his helpful friends?
What is Gemma Webster going to do now she’s discovered her husband’s hotel liaisons with Eve Stone?
Does Eve actually do any work? Yes, yes, we’ve seen her sporting the red beret, but she’s always either in bed with Sam Webster or tending to her ailing father.
What did Daniel Reed discover about his father that so disgusted him he took himself off to the front line?
Could Julien Baptiste perhaps find a quieter place for a chat?

Did Alice Webster, or the girl calling herself Alice, set fire to herself in the shed, or were we just meant to think that? At least that’s Sam Webster’s scars explained.
Who did die in the shed - was it Alice, or Sophie? At last, Mr Baptiste can get his DNA test, albeit a posthumous one.
It’s clearly not Kristian Hertz responsible for all of this business - hence Alice’s belated apology to him in prison - and all fingers are now pointing at Brigadier Adrian Stone (Roger Allam) but, frankly, it’s TOO EARLY IN THE SERIES. Who does that leave?
Gemma Webster has finally discovered something in all those rollercoaster pics, but what does it mean? And is Eve really the best person to tell?
‘The Missing’ continues on Wednesday evening at 9pm on BBC One.