GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Ripped For Most Absurd Vaccine-Holocaust Comparison Yet

The tweet has since been removed, but images of the meme remain.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) is coming under fire for tweeting a meme showing an arm tattooed with a concentration camp identification number as a way to complain about coronavirus vaccine mandates.

Although the image was either removed by Twitter or deleted by Massie, screenshots were preserved and shared by several on Twitter, including CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski:

Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie deleted a tweet Wednesday night comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust.

— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) August 26, 2021

People already carry cards ― ID cards, credentials, credit cards and admission tickets, to name a few ― to gain access to many places and events. Yet the tweet echoed comments made in May by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a conspiracy theorist and QAnon enthusiast, who compared mask mandates to the Holocaust.

Greene’s comments drew bipartisan condemnation, including a rare rebuke from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who for the most part has remained silent or even defended members of his party who hold extremist views.

Greene ultimately apologized. Then, she compared vaccination workers to Nazi “brown shirts” and vaccine mandates to segregation.

Massie’s tweet was condemned on Twitter:

Wait until Rep Massive reads the ID requirements to vote that his party wants to enforce.

— Aleksei Ilídio Valentín ✡️♿🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ (@ai_valentin) August 26, 2021

Dear @RepThomasMassie: Hi, want to work with me on stopping states from requiring a card before folks can gain access to a voting booth to exercise their constitutional right to vote?

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) August 26, 2021

I guess cheapening and trivializing the Holocaust has become routine for House Republicans. Do other Republicans even bother to condemn this sort of thing any more?

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) August 26, 2021

Obviously the post is awful in many ways, but what sticks out to me:

How does he pay at restaurants?!

— Pepper + Elspeth's Fully Vaccinated 🏠 (she/they) (@S_Tinyhome) August 26, 2021

It's a fundamental right that any person off the street can enter a Republican national convention with no fussy demand to show so-called "credentials"

— David Frum (@davidfrum) August 26, 2021

Thomas Massie, a child of privilege and wealth, who has never been denied anything he ever wanted, is comparing getting a vaccine--which 99% of Americans have done in their lifetimes--to the Holocaust.

Such an ass

— Pat Bagley (@Patbagley) August 26, 2021

Apparently being carded for alcohol is literally Hitler.

I wouldn't even agree with him in HIGH SCHOOL.

— "ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ" Badger ಠ_ಠ (@stealthbadger) August 26, 2021

That’s disgusting

— Gen Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden) August 26, 2021

Driver's license?

— Robert A George 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇹🇹 (@RobGeorge) August 26, 2021

...people have had to show IDs at bars and concerts for age verification since forever, and no one called it a holocaust save 15 year olds

— Scott Jennings (@Lum_) August 26, 2021

Representatives Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene should resign in shame from Congress immediately for comparing vaccine cards to the Holocaust

They have failed the most basic test of humanity

They are evil incarnate and should be ostracized from society

— Lindy Li (@lindyli) August 26, 2021

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