Tinder Social Is A New Feature For Meeting New Friends, But People Aren't Using It For That

Tinder's New Group Dating Feature Has Backfired Spectacularly

Tinder is trialling a brand new feature designed to encourage groups of friends to go out and socialise with new people.


It's called Tinder Social and according to the app's official blog it's definitely not group dating.

Except that not only is it definitely group dating but it's also a little bit broken.

You see while it's great to encourage people to go out as a group and socialise, the app is also revealing to all your Facebook friends who are on Tinder that you indeed use Tinder.


— NIC KELLY (@nicwkelly) April 27, 2016

Introducing #Tinder Social: So your Facebook friends laugh at your bio at Tinder.

— Bharadwaj Giridhar (@goforbg) April 27, 2016

lmao so that new Tinder 'social' update gives you the full list of every one of your Facebook friends that use Tinder

— Josh Holloway (@jmrhadl) April 27, 2016

Not the best feature if you're trying to date in private and users have already reportedly been complaining.

Tinder Social is currently only being trialled for a small number of users in Australia so don't start panicking just yet.

According to Tinder the new feature is "a fun new way to meet new people out with your friends."

"While this is just a test for now, we look forward to launching it globally soon!"

Tinder has now updated the app to allow those users who are trialling it to 'opt out' of Tinder Social by simply going into their settings and turning it off.

Judging by the reaction so far it seems likely that you'll be able to do that when it launches for real.


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