Transgender Man And His Grandma Discuss Coming Out In Touching Video

'I love you whatever you are.'

A man and his gran have reflected back on the time he came out to her as transgender, as well as the love and support she showed him in response.

Gavin Cueto, 20, and his 83-year-old nan, Elaine, star in an insightful Q&A on YouTube.

Gavin explained that his grandma was the first person he came out to back when he was 11 years old because he was too frightened to tell his mum.

After initially being confused about what transgender meant, she educated herself and became instrumental in her grandson’s transition - even paying for him to go to London start testosterone therapy.

Gavin and Elaine
Gavin Cueto / YouTube
Gavin and Elaine

Recalling the night Gavin told her he was transgender, Elaine said: “I’d been to skittles, come home, Gavin was staying the night and I’d had half a lager so I was tired and I was about to go to bed.

“Gavin came in my bedroom wanting to talk to me. He said: ‘Nan, I’ve got something to tell you. I want to be a boy’.”

Initially, her response was “Oh, don’t we all?” because she didn’t fully understand what he meant.

But when Gavin left the bedroom crying, she knew something was seriously up and followed him downstairs.

She asked what was wrong, but didn’t get a response, so she gave him a kiss and a hug, said: “I love you whatever you are” and went back to bed.

After their conversation, Elaine began to learn more about what being transgender meant and became a key part in his transition. She supported him, helped him to choose a new name - Gavin - and paid for his treatment.

“She was so supportive, and told me that if this was something I wanted to do, then I had to go and do it,” Gavin told The Mirror.

In the video, Elaine said she was very proud that her grandson had gone to her first and asked for help.

“It made sense in a way,” she said. “We knew there was something wrong, so it was nice then to know what it was so that we could help.”

When Gavin asked her if she missed the way he was before transitioning, she replied: “No, I like you as you are. I prefer you as you are. You’re more happy, confident, you don’t worry about things.”

She added: “You’ve always been very loving and kind. I couldn’t wish for a better grandson.”
