Whoopi Goldberg Explodes At Ann Coulter: 'Tell Me What You Know About Being Black' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg Explodes At Ann Coulter

It took Ann Coulter roughly three sentences to ruffle Whoopi Goldberg's feathers on Thursday's "View."

The controversial conservative pundit appeared on the ABC daytime talk show to promote her new book, "Mugged," in which she argues that civil rights only "belong to blacks" because the U.S. "has a legacy of slavery." She also writes that the O.J. Simpson trial verdict was "good for America."

As Coulter started to discuss her book, Goldberg grew seemingly frustrated.

"What are you talking about?" she demanded. Coulter attempted to continue, but Goldberg cut her off.

"Oh you know what, hold up Ms. Coulter, please stop. Please stop," Goldberg said. "If you are going to talk about race, at least, at least, know what you're talking about."

"What don't I know?" Coulter asked.

"Well tell me what you know about being black," Goldberg said. "Your facts are a little shaky. I mean, you're saying that because liberals have abandoned black people now—what? I don't get it. I don't understand."

"I don't think liberals ever cared about black people," Coulter said. "Five minutes after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they start calling everything that has nothing to do with black people a civil rights issue: abortion on demand, homeless rights."

Goldberg seemed to have had enough as Coulter continued answering more questions. She was eventually bleeped out when responding to Coulter, appearing to have used the word "bullshit."

Watch the whole segment in the video below:


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