94-Year-Old Widower No Longer Feels Lonely After Building Community Pool In Back Garden

He's now the most popular man in town πŸ’™

A 94-year-old who lost his wife of 66 years to cancer has discovered the perfect remedy to loneliness.

Keith Davison, a former judge, lost his wife Evy in April 2016 and couldn’t bear the silence that ensued.

So he installed a large swimming pool in his back garden for local kids and their parents to use, which has brought happiness and noise to his home once again.

Lonely after death of his wife, 94-yr-old Keith Davison just put in a backyard pool for the neighborhood kids. Next on KARE #land10kstories pic.twitter.com/OWU77mI1IB

β€” Boyd Huppert (@BoydHuppert) August 14, 2017

Keith, from Minnesota, said after his wife died he didn’t know what to do with himself.

β€œYou just can’t imagine what it’s like,” he told Kare 11. β€œYou cry a lot. That’s just the way it is because she’s not here.”

In a bid to combat loneliness, he instructed the installation of a 16ft (4.9m) by 32ft (9.8m) pool in his back garden, which he unveiled to locals in July.

The father-of-three, who doesn’t have any grandchildren, has become a huge hit with neighbourhood kids who regularly use his pool.

Jessica Huebner, one of the mums making regular use of the pool with her four children, said of Keith’s act: β€œIt’s him spreading joy throughout our neighbourhood for these kids.”

And, when all of the children go home at the end of the day, Keith gets to enjoy a peaceful swim for himself.
