I'd been to foam parties before, but when my friend Ginger Luke said that he and his boyfriend were heading to a naked foam party in London I was intrigued.
'It's a lot of fun and above all the music is great!' he said. Ginger Luke is a connoisseur of good gay pop that you can dance to - he knows his music.
As well as his boyfriend Jonathan and myself, Ginger Luke had also rounded up Parisian Theo and Shih-Ern. We were soon fronting up to Union club in Vauxhall and handing over £15 per person to get in. The friendly guy manning the ticket booth was, of course, naked, and he gave us each a big bag for our clothes and a quick run-down on the logistics.
Then we were through the door and in the main bar area where you get changed. It was a bit surreal as the bar was already full of naked guys watching you take your clothes off, but I just focused on stripping down and stuffing my clothes into the bag which we then took upstairs to the cloak-room.
One of the challenges with a naked party is what to do with your money - luckily the bar took credit cards so I tucked a card into my trainers and we headed downstairs to get some drinks in.
I'm pretty used to seeing my friends naked (we play water polo together so there's a lot of time spent in changing rooms and showers), but it didn't take long (or too many drinks) to become pretty much desensitized to the sea of nakedness around us.
The crowd was all men around the age of 35-45, but otherwise quite diverse in terms of body shape - not really 'muscle marys', more just average looking guys of all shapes and sizes.
We headed through to the dance-floor and the foam was already in full swing - dispensed via a big nozzle in the centre of the room, foam would gush forth periodically, always greeted with excitement and a lift in energy from the dancing crowd.
Ginger Luke was right - the music was excellent, all the dancey gay pop you could wish for. There was something so incredibly silly but also quite liberating to be dancing around naked with your friends, in a pool of foam, as the Nicki Minaj classic 'Starships' was belted out over the club's sound system.
'It's like everything we've always wanted to do but never had the chance to experience!' laughed Parisian Theo.
Good times.