With the latest news that 7 pieces of fruit or veg a day will protect against diseases, rather than the 5 we have come to know, here are 7 easy ways to get more in to your diet.
1.Vit-up your breakfasts. Add fresh fruits to porridge, pancakes, or cereals to get you off on the right track right at the start of your day.
2.Soups. Far and away the easiest way to get 2 or 3 of your 7 in one hit is to make home made soups. Check out some great recipes here.
3.Substitute potatoes with other veg. Potatoes, whilst a great source of complex carbohydrates, don't count towards your 7 a day. So try substituting them with sweet potato, rich in vitamin a which strengthens immunity against infections and keeps skin and the linings of some parts of the body, such as the nose, healthy.
4. Snack on raw fruit & veg. Yes we all know an apple is a great snack, but try mixing it up with other seasonal veggies such as raw cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and sugar snap peas.
5.Smoothies. I haven't met a man, woman or child who doesn't love a smoothie! Make sure you include fruit & veg to get a nutritionally-balanced smoothie. For a fab recipe click here.
6.Beans & legumes count as ONE of your 7 a day (no matter how much you eat). So add kidney beans, lentils or chickpes to soups. Alternatively whizz up some home made hummous or butterbean dip and enjoy with cruites made from chopped carrot, celery & cucumber to get and extra 2-3 out of one snack!
7.Cauliflower rice. Instead of serving traditional rice, whizz up some cauli in the food processor and lightly fry in coconut oil for a great rice substitute that is fab with curries.