Labour's Promise Of A Better, Fairer Britain

In recent times, I can recall no General Election holding as much importance as this one. This is an election which will define and shape the future of generations to come.

In recent times, I can recall no General Election holding as much importance as this one. This is an election which will define and shape the future of generations to come.

Since the last General Election in 2015, it has become even clearer to me that the Tories are incapable of understanding the needs of the British people. Time and time again, during this election campaign for example, Theresa May has shown herself to lack the leadership required to drive this country forward - failing to even debate with the Labour Party's leader Jeremy Corbyn, and astonishingly hiding from public questioning at every opportunity she gets.

It's about time that people U-turn on this Conservative government.

Let's not forget, it is this government's negligence that has resulted in a society where businesses lack the funding and confidence to grow, where millions of people are forced to work below the minimum wage, where the NHS, schools and pensioners face devastating cuts, and where daring to tackle tax avoidance seems to be the crime.

In no way, shape or form, does this reflect a party with ordinary working class citizen's interests at heart.

In contrast, compare this to Labour manifesto. In the last few weeks, Labour have sought to present the British people with an alternative vision. One that looks to build a better, fairer economy for the many and not just for the few.

Under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, Labour is determined to bring an end to the rigged economy - one which has seen the Tory government regularly turn a blind eye to their wealthy investors filling their bottomless pockets, always at the expense of hard working citizens.

Unlike the Tory government - who actively allow tax avoiding firms like McDonald's and Starbucks to set up stall in the UK - Labour intends to ensure these corporations contribute their fair share of taxes to the economy. It's under this Tory government, that every deficit and debt target set has been missed - and it's no wonder, considering the Tory government make no effort to collect these substantial sums which corporations are funnelling out of tax receipts.

The greatest shame is that these draconian measures have muted the voice of ordinary working class citizens, and has in turn hindered their ability to collectively stand up to their employers in the workplace.

And that's exactly what the Tories want. They want to restrict your rights, your wages and your voice.

And Labour, with the support of my trade union - the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) - have been working hard to oppose these measures, ensuring workers' rights are protected. And it's high time more people get their voice heard too. It is Labour's aim to repeal the Tories harrowing Trade Union act - which led to this current situation - and ensure that workers regain their voice once again, achieve flexibility and guarantees in the workplace, and finally, receive the rights that they are fundamentally entitled to.

This approach changed the lives of millions for the better in the US, through the hard work of movements such as the Service Employer's International Union (SEIU) 'Fight for $15' campaign, and I know Labour can make it work here too.

That's why Labour are proposing a £10 per hour minimum wage, a ban on the abusive use of zero hour contracts, and that's why Labour have pledged not to increase VAT, National Insurance contributions and income tax for those earning below £80,000.

Yes, Labour will need to raise corporation tax - but only to 26 percent, which would remain the lowest amongst G7 countries. And yes, Labour will need to raise taxes for the wealthiest 5 percent. But in doing so, they will create a society that has a fairly funded NHS, one that offers workers the job security they so badly need, and one which ensures that people don't feel like big business are playing by their own rules anymore.

Now, we the citizens, have the opportunity to influence the direction in which this country grows.

Either this country continues to stick with a party clearly favouring the privileged few. Or we can call for change.

Voting for Labour is a vote for a better, fairer Britain. Let's ensure that this time we vote for the many, and not just the privileged few.


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