Why I Love Christmas and Living in London

The last few weeks have gone by in a blur, and like most people, I can't believe it's almost Christmas again already. Makes me want to reenact a scene from Will Ferrell in, the best Christmas movie ever! Buddy: I'm singing! I'm in a store and I'm singing! I'm in a store, AND I'M SINGIIIIING! I was so excited when the Christmas lights went up on Oxford Street. But my god the amount of people that are doing their Christmas shopping is immense. I can see why - the stores you guys have over here are pretty awesome. I'm tempted to muck in and get shopping as well!

Welcome to my first ever blog on Huffington Post! It is such an honour! Having my own blog on such a credible site has been a dream for many years.

Each month I will be sharing what's on my mind, what's been going on in my life, and what is inspiring me at the moment. From the "must-have" new products I've tried and my favourite beauty tips to my views on living a healthy, purpose-filled life. I'll also give you updates on my Chihuahua Cupid and share my attempts at keeping fit and healthy physically, mentally, and socially.

I've been living in London for the past few months and I LOVE it! Although, I totally get why you guys moan about the weather. It's not really the best is it?!

The last few weeks have gone by in a blur, and like most people, I can't believe it's almost Christmas again already. Makes me want to reenact a scene from Will Ferrell in ELF, the best Christmas movie ever!

Buddy: I'm singing! I'm in a store and I'm singing! I'm in a store, AND I'M SINGIIIIING!

I was so excited when the Christmas lights went up on Oxford Street. But my god the amount of people that are doing their Christmas shopping is immense. I can see why - the stores you guys have over here are pretty awesome. I'm tempted to muck in and get shopping as well!

One of the things I get most excited about when it comes to Christmas is the food. I'm making a serious effort to learn to cook. I love a dinner party!! Recently I switched from cooking with olive oil to using coconut oil. It tastes good and is easy to use!

For information on the healthy benefits of using coconut oil click here.

I don't really get the chance to spend much time in the kitchen during the week. Most of my days are packed with work commitments so I'm not always able to spend as much time cooking, as I'd like.

We've all been there right?! After a long day at work followed by a quick session at the gym it's so easy to go home and slob out on the sofa with a bowl of cereal and pack of biscuits.

In an ideal world I'd get home and make a high protein meal to ensure my muscles recover ready for my next yoga or PT session. But if I'm not in the mood and Max isn't home for dinner, I like to drink the ready to drink Maxitone Sculptress shake. I've even taken to carrying one in my handbag because they stop me from gorging on chocolate and they give my body all the nutrients it needs when I'm running from one appointment to the next. I drink one in the locker room, right after a workout for fast recovery.

This week I've been lucky enough to hang out with my beautiful BFF Ashley Roberts. We've been friends since before the Pussycat Dolls and it has been tough not having her in my life as much since leaving the Dolls four years ago. Having her here in London with me has been a real treat, especially since she is my Maid of Honour at my wedding! Yes, I'm getting married!!! Yay! Cupid has been in heaven as well since his best little buddy is Ashley's dog, Cooper. :P

It's been an incredibly busy time in my life at the moment. I've just joined the Monster family, which I'm so excited about. Monster was founded over 35 years ago by its Head Monster Noel Lee they engineered the sound of the acclaimed Beats by Dr. Dre® headphones - pretty amazing right?! On Tuesday I spent the day working out at a gym in South Kensington and showing journalists how to use their new iSport Freedom headphones. They are on-ear wireless headphones which are great for me when I'm practicing my choreography as it means that I don't get tangled in any wires.

I've been in the studio working on solo music, managing my dance acts, launching my Beautiful Movements Cosmetics to retail at Holland and Barrett, and producing some fitness/dance videos that I'm not really able to talk about yet... so sssssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone I told you! Haha!

I hope you enjoyed an introduction to my blog?! Can't wait for the next one when I can dive into more detail! Feel free to send me any questions and suggestions for my next post by tweeting me using @KimberlyKWyatt #Kim'sblog


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