So you know you need to start your revision, as you keep getting told by every adult around you, but where do you start? It's all a bit of a mystery. You know you need a plan, but you still want to have a life! How can you revise, get to Zumba class, go to your mates party and actually sleep?!
This is something I hear a lot from the young folk I work with, and it gets them so stressed out and overwhelmed that often they end up putting everything off, and then having a total meltdown closer to the exam deadline.
So if this is you, or you have someone in your life taking exams share this with them as it might keep them sane (and you too, if you live with them!).
So let's start with 1 simple task to get you on the road to start your revision planning. This is a weekly revision planner template made especially for you. It will help you really see how much time you have, what are the most important things you need to get done and work out how you can help your revision make friends with all the things you love to do.
Let's get real
Work out how many weeks you have until your final exam and print off a weekly revision planner for each week. Date them all up. This helps us to see realistically how much revision time you have left.
Getting the balance right
Write in any plans you already have booked in and block out those times on your planner - clubs, sports, job, family occasions etc. Oh and make sure you have at least one day off each week and block that out as your fun day!
Turn subjects into topics
Grab a spare sheet of paper and break down all your subjects into topics using the guide 'turning subjects into topics' in the planner. You may think you have 11 subjects to revise, but nobody can digest a whole subject in one sitting, that's just greedy and will give you indigestion. So write down each topic within the subject.
Traffic light system
Colour code your topics using the 'traffic light system'. The topics you hate and give you a headache highlight them with a big red marker. The ok ones that need a bit of work, mark them in yellow and the ones you love and are easy peasy, mark in green.
Hot topics
Now start slotting in your 'Red' topics first into the 25 minute slots, as they need the most work (use 2 slots if you need to). In the first few weeks you will probably see lots of red boxes, but they should turn green as you get closer to the exams, so avoiding that meltdown I mentioned earlier.
Red, yellow, green, go!
Then slot in your 'yellow' and 'green' topics into the 25 min slots. Keep a few free slots in case things take longer than expected, or you get ill, or you suddenly find rearranging your bedroom is super interesting and urgent (yep funny how that happens when there's revision to be done..).
Recap and recap some more
Use the 10 min slots to recap the topics from the day before. If you recap something the day after you revised it, you're more likely to remember it.
In between your 25 minute slots take a 5 minute break to do something completely different. If you can get yourself moving around all the better, it will get some oxygen to your brain giving your memory a helping hand. For some fun ideas of how to give your brain a boost take a look here
Go on treat yourself
Remember to reward yourself with something lovely to look forward to every day and plan it in - you deserve it!
Be your own best study buddy
Taking care of yourself at exam time is the most important part. You won't be able to do any of this stuff if you don't take care of your mind, body and soul. Check out my 'Be your own best study buddy' page for ideas.
Good luck!