One of the main reasons why people set up in business is a desire for independence and freedom. Often that's a reaction to the constraints of working for a large organisation where there's little flexibility to 'do your own thing'.
But while it's understandable that many look to escape a working environment they no longer enjoy, it is imperative that they don't overlook the benefits of teamwork.
In fact, the wise start-up entrepreneur or freelancer will make building a support team around them part of their strategic business development.
And depending on circumstances and your particular requirements, you will need a variety of teams.
Your personal support team
This consists of friends and family. Together they can offer you basic advice as well as emotional support and practical help, such as providing childcare, or running errands.
Your 'coaching team'
Far from being a sign of weakness, working with a coach is seen by many highly successful entrepreneurs as the very reason for their success. Being able to call on their insight and experience can keep you on track and moving forward.
Your 'Professional' team
If you're looking to leverage the efforts of others to grow your business faster, you need to put together a reliable team of freelancers you can outsource work to, marking up their services as you sell them on to your clients. Also consider creating an informal network of providers, such as researchers or social media advisers, who you can call upon when you need additional support or a particular skill.
Your 'Business Basics' team
You will also need professional support for legal and accountancy advice. This means investing in the long-term success of your business.
Your 'Hive' Team
There are also specialist ways of team working, like the 'hive'. The hive is effectively a 'collective' where you work with others under an overarching brand, perhaps sharing offices, a website and a name. However, you remain independent, with the freedom to choose when and how you collaborate.
Whichever form of team working you choose, there are significant advantages to being part of a team. So think team. Think success.
Now, I would love to know what do you think in the comments box below.
Which is the team you need to bring along next?