david lammy

No doubt some are xenophobic but, living in Berlin, I'm well aware of how Nazism devastated Europe beyond recognition – and its victims deserve better than your edgy tweets
"When people start saying things like this, you realise they have lost all sense of proportion."
Former Tory deputy prime minister says targeting "foreigners and the elite" has a "chilling appeal".
He suggested the group was giving cover 'for thugs on the ground'.
MPs Clive Lewis and David Lammy join film director Mike Leigh for new 'Let Us Vote' campaign.
The incident is alleged to have happened on Saturday morning.
The ardent Brexiteer is in hot water over his post about Germany's controversial party.
Criminal justice system urged to review the way it treats female offenders.
Africa cannot be buttonholed into either a backdrop of starving children with swollen bellies or a land of milk and honey. But it is still in need of saviours, and some of them are going to be white.