david lammy

The former prime minister did not tell the foreign secretary said he was meeting the man running to be US president for a second time.
The foreign secretary also said he "gets on" with the former president's running mate JD Vance.
The ex-US president wanted the Labour leader to have more "authenticity".
The shadow foreign secretary had real trouble getting through his address on Saturday.
The shadow foreign secretary said MPs "should be very careful" not to drive division.
Today is the 36th anniversary of the election of the first black MPs.
A deal could be reached as early as next week on post-Brexit trading arrangements.
The Labour frontbenchers have been appointed as the new co-chairs of the "Rose Network".
"This is desperate. And this is the sixth richest economy in the world," David Lammy said.
Labour's David Lammy had his head in his hands at presenter's remarks amid UN warnings of “climate catastrophe”.