Interpersonal relationship

When your pal vents about their relationship problems nonstop, it can take a toll on your friendship.
It doesn't matter how long it's been since the breakup: Discovering your ex has moved on with a new boyfriend or girlfriend can feel like a punch in the gut.
This frustrating habit can turn minor relationship conflicts into long, heated fights.
Relationship experts reveal the reasons your ex may be reaching out, and how to know whether you should respond or ignore them.
My advice, if you have a long-term condition like me, is to be upfront about it.
Rediscover what got you together in the first place.
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We know we need it. But how to achieve it?
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How to get over a breakup, according to relationship experts.
You’re not alone.
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If we can avoid massive disruption of a no-deal exit, the transition period will set the tone of the UK and EU’s relationship over the coming years