Day-to-day life can be stressful, and we need all the technological help we can get to stay on top of it. To promote calmness and convenience, I've tested a selection of the best new Apple Watch apps to help get you through the day. The gadget may not change your life - but if increased efficiency gets you tingling, throw out your Casio as this is the watch for you.
Silencing my alarm, I roll out of bed and chuck on my running gear. A quick check of DarkSky on my Apple Watch tells me that there's no rainfall predicted for the next hour - no excuses then.
Breaking out into the fresh air, I load up Runtastic on my Watch and head to the park. Giving me updates on my speed, the distance I've covered and number of calories I've burned, it does a great job at convincing me I'm leading a healthy lifestyle.
I return home, grab a quick shower, and get some eggs on the go. One of the more random Watch apps, Boiled Egg Timer does exactly what it says on the tin. Select your egg size and preferred yolk consistency, then amuse yourself for 2-4 minutes until your Watch lets you know that breakfast is ready.

Fed and watered, I jump in the car to drive to my meeting. There's an absolute classic on the airwaves - operating Shazam from my wrist not only gives me the artist's name and song title, but also displays lyrics on the Watch face in case I fancy flexing my vocal cords. In full voice, I park up and walk the last few minutes.
Over an hour in, and this meeting is dragging. I slyly glance at the Watch and see that the nearby parking space I booked through JustPark is about to expire. The app, which allows you to bag cut-price parking on private driveways, at churches and even pubs, prompts me to extend my booking. A couple of discreet taps of my Watch later, I have 60 more minutes of parking - and meeting time - to enjoy.

Back at the office, I make the obligatory check of the latest Huffington Post article and try to focus on the rest of the day. To warn off distractions, I log three goals in CommitTo3. I'll now get regular reminders on the Watch - a cyber slap on the wrist, if you like - to stay focussed and stop procrastinating.
The clock hits 4pm and it's time for a break. The wrist-optimised version of Twitter is pretty handy: you wouldn't want to scroll through your entire feed on the small Watch screen, but it's useful for responding to notifications and checking the latest trends. Ed Miliband's raving in Ibiza and everyone hates Justin Bieber. No surprises there, then.

It's time to get out of the office. I'm meeting a friend for dinner and drinks, so after a quick freshen-up at home I switch to public transport - turning to every Londoner's closest friend Citymapper to find the quickest route to the restaurant. Streamlined for the Watch, it displays simple step-by-step instructions and saves me from having to get my phone out every 30 seconds. A five minute walk to the station with a train leaving in ten - easy.
On route I pick up Virgin's underground Wifi and browse Yelp to find somewhere good for us to eat. The newly-opened Italian sounds great, but all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet gets my vote.
Waddling out of the restaurant, for the first time today I actually use my Watch to check the time - with an early start tomorrow morning I decide to treat myself to an Uber home. A few taps later, there's a Toyota Prius en route.

With 24% battery remaining, the Watch has more energy left than I do. After the workout I put it through, that's not bad going.