A Little Place Off The Edgware Road - the Road Continues

A Little Place Off The Edgware Road - the Road Continues

Things begin to take shape when you see your crew growing. What's even better is when your production designer and director of photography are friends and colleagues already.

So yesterday, (spread either side of a valuable production meeting with producer Alison, Production Coordinator, Hair and Make-up, Director Of Photography and Sound Designer) DP Tasha Back and I paid a visit to our main locations. She became particularly excited in the cemetery when we chatted about lighting possibilities and the spookiness of it all. I was pretty excited all the time, so much so that I forgot I was planning on seeing Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. So I'll see that tonight instead and see how school-mate Cumberbatch measures up against idol Oldman. Rather excited actually.

Our Production Designer is Debbie Burton (Art Director of The Misfits/Mutual Friends/Nearly Famous), and our next stage is for Tasha, Debbie and myself to meet and talk through the complete look of the film. Which from my part tends to be a mass of film references as FILM RULES?

For those in the dark, you can check out details of the film here: http://www.indiegogo.com/A-Little-Place-Off-The-Edgware-Road-1

p.s. I'm slightly miffed that Kevin Costner has pulled out of Tarantino's Django Unchained.


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