Shoja Shojai, British Millionaire, Denies Disturbing Claims About Keeping 'Harem Of Models' Against Their Will

British Millionaire Denies Disturbing Claims About 'Harem Of Models'

A British multi-millionaire has been accused of fathering seven children with a harem of aspiring models he kept against their will.

Shoja Shojai, 56, has been arrested after he allegedly met many of the women in London and convinced them to move to his mansion in Spain, telling them he was an oil tycoon who was friends with Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, the Mirror reported.

Shojai, the women claim, moved them into a mansion and took turns having sex with them, before returning to his home next door.

He insists he has been framed as part of an elaborate robbery ruse.

The oil tycoon has admitted two former girlfriends and his wife were among the women police took away from his Costa del Sol holiday home - and claimed he fathered two children.

But he dismissed claims he had slept with all nine of the young females accusing him of duping them into staying against their will, or that he was father to their seven children.

And he insisted one of his ex-lovers lied about him assaulting and that his luxury Marbella mansion was emptied of millions of pounds worth of clothes, Persian rugs and jewellery while he was in custody.

The women and their children, aged between nine months and seven-years-old, have been taken to nearby refuges, while Shojai has been released on bail.

The young women told police they were only allowed out of the 10-bedroom villa when accompanied by staff.

However one of Shojai’s employees who worked at the home said he didn’t believe the women were being held against their will.

“They left in the mornings in their cars without any problems to take their children to school. I can only say what I saw during the day though. I’ve no idea what happened at night,” he said.

A neighbour said: "It makes me shudder to think they might have been kept there against their will and no one did anything.

"There were always a lot of pretty women coming and going but I just thought there were several different families living inside the house."

Local media reports police also found drugs, including the date-rape drug Rohypnol, at the property. They’ve ordered that the women be tested.


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