
John Jackson

Author and founder of JJ Books

John Jackson is an author, publisher and businessman. He is the founder and director of JJ Books.

John’s first book, A Little Piece of England, is a firsthand account of developing a smallholding in the Kent countryside in his spare time in the 50s and 60s, while sitting on the UK board of technology company Philips. His other books, Tales for Great Grandchildren and Brahma Dreaming, are illustrated collections of mythological retellings.

John’s past projects include the ‘rescue’ of History Today magazine and, together with others, the founding of the Countryside Alliance. He is the non-solicitor Chairman of Mishcon de Reya. His interests include nature, self-sufficiency and illustrative art. He is guided by the belief that once material needs have been met, the best road to personal satisfaction is the expression of creativity.




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