
In a responsible society five million people cannot be sacrificed on the Brexit altar.
Recruitment narratives of those opposed to the British state will now be strengthened and an invaluable opportunity to improve domestic counter extremism and safeguarding work will be needlessly wasted.
This collaboration is a symptom of outspoken women having been sidelined in mainstream politics for too long. But that is not necessarily the same thing as a determination to centre them.
Central to Putin's political war is waging a campaign to divide, distract and demoralise us, and Brexit ticks every box
However good it may make us feel to leave Shamima Begum “there to rot”, it is fundamentally a bad move with deep legal and ethical problems.
East Asians are not asking to be celebrated. We’re asking to be represented and this is a shoddy response for a long overdue opportunity.
Brexit has clarified for many what has been a far longer trend – the fracturing of the two-party system in this country.
Podemos and Ciudadanos in Spain, the 5 Star Movement in Italy, En Marche and les Insoumis in France: across Europe citizens are angry with the status quo, and willing to cast their vote for new movements.
The trouble is, they stand for the same vapid centrist politics which helped leave Britain so damaged in the first place.
As a probation officer, I knew I couldn't help everyone. But Graham was one of my most difficult cases, and I really didn't want to be another person who labelled him a 'lost cause'