David Cameron: The Nato Mission Will Continue

David Cameron: The Nato Mission Will Continue

David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy have emphasised the on going commitment of Nato to the conflict in Libya.

Speaking at a press conference at the end of the Paris summit, the Prime Minister expressed his pride in what British and allied forces had accomplished as part of Nato's mission to stop Gaddafi’s attacks.

However, he also emphasised that “it is the Libyan People who are responsible for the liberation.”

“We pay tribute to your bravery and to the many who have lost their lives or been injured,” he said.

Cameron also outlined three key commitments to the National Transitional Council, including the implementation of the UN resolutions by Nato and its allies, a commitment to international law, and a pledge to support the NTC in their aims to implement a democratic transition.

“Freedom in Tripoli has brought to light unspeakable crimes,” he said. “These crimes must be investigated and the guilty brought to justice."

Both Cameron and President Sarkozy expressed gratitude to the Arab states that took part in the Nato coalition.

“It is an honour to work together with Qataris, the Jordanians and the people of the United Arab Emirates, along with Mustafa Abdul Jalil and the NTC,” said Cameron, who also praised the French President for bringing together “east and west, north and south, Muslim and Christian.”

Abdul Jalil, the chair of the Libyan National Transitional Council, emphasised his own desire for peace and democracy in his homeland.

“The international community has staked everything on Libya… and we staked everything when we asked the international community to help bring Freedom."

“I would like to thank the international community for their support," he continued. "Libya is an integral part of an international community that wants stability and peace throughout the world. My thanks to President Sarkozy, to David Cameron, to the Jordanians, the US, Italy and all of the countries that helped the people of Libya achieve this success.”

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also praised the international community, saying the actions in Libya send a “strong and unmistakable signal to the world”.

He also emphasised the on going work of the UN, especially in regards to the country’s humanitarian needs.

“Medicine, fuel, food and water are in short supply,” he said, stating that the UN would lead in resolving this potential crisis.

At another press conference in Paris, UN Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made clear there was still work ahead.

“The challenges may be formidable but so is the progress we have already seen. We must continue to stand with the Libyan people.”

The focus then shifted towards another regime currently contracting under the pressure of the Arab Spring, that of Syria.

“Assad’s brutality has outraged the world,” said Clinton. “The violence must stop. He needs to step aside. Syria must be allowed to step forward. We must now escalate the pressure on Assad, including sanctions on the energy sector."

“Just as we have done in Libya," Clinton continued, "we are also encouraging the Syrian opposition to put forward their own road map. The people of Syria deserve a government that accepts their rights.”

David Cameron also spoke sharply on the Assad regime, stating, “Britain wants sanctions and a travel ban on Syria.”

Earlier today, Mrs Clinton had spoken of the need to secure Colonel Gaddafi's arsenal to ensure it didn't fall into the hands of Libya's neighbours.

In Libya, an audio recording of Gaddafi was broadcast on a Syrian TV station in which the ousted leader told his supporters they "cannot surrender", urging them to fight on "even if you do not hear my voice".


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