'I'm Feeding My Boys To Death - But I Can't Stop'

'I'm Feeding My Boys To Death - But I Can't Stop'

SWNS Joseph (in hat), Cynthia and Matthew

An obese mum whose life was saved by a gastric bypass has told how she is slowly killing her sons - by over-feeding them every single day.

Cynthia Williams feeds her sons Joseph, 26, and Mathew, 18, a diet of doughnuts, fried chicken and pizza.

The 5ft 2ins mum came close to death herself from high blood pressure and diabetes until she underwent gastric surgery and shed seven stone in a year.

But her experience didn't stop her feeding her own sons who now weigh nearly 30 stones each. She calls their comfort feeding her 'addiction' and refuses to listen to doctors' warnings that Joseph and Mathew will die - because greasy high-calorie food is only thing that makes them happy. Bear in mind these are not foot-stamping toddlers but two grown men!

The 48-year-old from Michigan said: 'I know it's my fault they're fat, and that the fatty food is killing them, but I can't stop. I'm feeding my boys to death.

'As my weight plummeted and theirs soared I felt awful.

'I tried to buy healthy food for all of us. I wanted the boys to lose weight like I had, only naturally.

'But it's hard for them being at home all the time.

'They are too overweight to work, exercise or socialise. The only thing I can offer them to make them happy is more food.'

At her peak 5ft 2 Cynthia weighed a massive 24 stone and suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Doctors offered her a lifeline in 2009 with a gastric bypass which meant she shed seven stone in a year.

But she hasn't taken in any healthy eating and feeding tips. For breakfast she gives the boys six large cream filled doughnuts with chocolate milk, followed by piles of fried chicken and pasta for lunch. The 'boys' evening meal is hamburgers and fries.


And they snack between meals on chips, pizza, cookies, sweets washed down with litres of fizzy drinks.

Cynthia said: 'I was married for nine years and it wasn't a happy marriage.


I felt bad for the boys growing up in such an upsetting environment so when I left my husband I was determined to give them everything they wanted to make them happy. 'So I allowed them to have sweet treats and regularly took them on trips to McDonald's. 'But despite making them happy in the short term they piled on weight which actually ended up making them miserable.


'Mathew was bullied so badly at school he dropped out and Joseph was too fat to get a job.

'We were depressed and morbidly obese - and the only thing that cheered us up was more food.'

But her kids were not entitled to the same financial help for a gastric bypass operation and Cynthia couldn't afford to help them on her minimal salary.

She said: 'The boys never blamed me and they even told me they were really pleased for me that I had been saved.

But two months ago Cynthia was told Mathew would die unless he lost weight. She said: 'I knew his health was bad but it was still a shock, and it was clear Joseph was in no better state.

'In contrast, my health has improved dramatically.

'I no longer suffer with diabetes or high blood pressure and I'm much more mobile.

'But despite this, the guilt of what I've done consumes me. I comfort eat and my weight has plateaued at 17 stone.'


Mathew said: 'I don't blame my mum, and I'm really glad she has lost a lot of weight, but I hate being so fat. I just can't stop eating, even though it's killing me.'

Joseph added: 'I have a lot to offer and I want to work, but weighing 29 stone I have no chance. It is really depressing. Food is the only thing that keeps me going.'
