Jeremy Clarkson Lifts Super-Injunction Against Ex-Wife Alexandra Hall

Jeremy Clarkson Lifts Super-Injunction Against Ex-Wife

Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson has lifted an injunction against his ex-wife, Alexandra Hall, after declaring gagging orders "don't work".

Clarkson's first wife is now free to make claims that the two had an affair after he remarried.

The 51-year-old TV presenter told the Daily Mail: "You take out an injunction against somebody or some organisation and immediately news of that injunction and the people involved and the story behind the injunction is in a legal-free world on Twitter and the internet. It's pointless."

Commenting on the release of Jeremy Clarkson's injunction, the MP who exposed Ryan Giggs' injunction John Hemming said many women who had received superinjunctions from former partners were "still terrified":

"It is very unfair when on one side you have a very wealthy man and on the other side you have a woman of ordinary means... Since then, however, things have got even worse, with the force of money being used to prevent women from complaining about their ex-boyfriends.

"One woman who received a super-injunction said to me: 'The process is terrifying…For the first 2 months I shook! And I shake now when talking about it to someone'."

"The use by men of the force of money to gag their ex-girlfriends is not a proper use of the courts. Magna Carta 1297 [the one in force is 1297 not 1215] Article 29 requires that we do not 'sell justice'. Sadly the system has been working on the basis of paying large sums of money to lawyers rather than arguing about truth."

"I know of another case where a false allegation of blackmail against an ex-girlfriend was made to persuade a judge to give an injunction. It is entirely possible that the truth about that case will come out before the end of the year."

"Allegations of blackmail should be passed to the police. If there is insufficient evidence for the police to prosecute then there is insufficient evidence for an injunction to be granted."

Max Clifford, who is representing Alexandra Hall, said: "She is delighted that the injunction has been withdrawn. She wants the whole truth to come out and she feels that a large black cloud that has been hanging over her for the last year has been lifted."


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