Derby student Danielle Morgan was rescued by emergency services after being left hung out to dry when her head became stuck in a clothes horse.
The 18-year-old had been "mucking about" in her halls of residence at Derby University when she fell off her housemate's bed. The offending clothes horse fell on top of her and her head went through one of the perilously-narrow gaps.
"I phoned one of my friends from home when I was stuck in it and she just thought I was drunk," she said.
After Morgan's friends finished filming the spectacle, they came to her assistance and raised the alarm with staff at Sir Peter Hilton Court. When it transpired the student, who hails from North Wales, was well and truly stuck, they called the fire service.
Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service arrived at the scene to save the day, finally cutting Morgan free from the death trap using a tool kit and bolt croppers.
The student has been left with bruising to her neck and shoulders but says she can now laugh about the accident, according to a BBC report.
"I found it funny at first but after it got taken off I had a panic attack and the ambulance came out.
"I don't think they quite believed it to begin with," she added sheepishly.